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Elections Tunisia: micro-credit fieldworker viewpoint

On the occasion of the elections in Tunisia and the recently issued results, we interviewed Bodo Lieberam, CEO of MicroCred Tunisie, a professional in the field of worldwide microfinance and living in the Country for a few years. The secular…

Celebrating diversity: Mardi Gras 2014

/ Texts and Photographs: Daniela Quinteros Rosas / Celebrating diversity and tolerance in a party was never as important to the streets of Sydney, Australia as this year. Mardi Gras 2014 was one of the biggest parade ever made submerging…

Putney Debate 2014 – 01 – Crash, Cuts. Crisis – Causes, Consequences, Solutions

The New London Putney Debates began with a reflection on the history of activism and its achievements in the UK, followed by reflections on the environment, the economy, the Media and the increasing repression of protest in a so-called Democracy.…

Lebanon: clashes between Army and jihadists rock Tripoli

27/10/2014 – Today is the third day of fighting between the Lebanese forces and the Syrian Jihadists inside the Lebanese city of Tripoli and its suburban areas. The shots broke out Friday night when news was out in Tripoli that …

Remember, it’s a pro-Hong Kong Movement

A staunch supporter of western democracy, Apple Daily, today, 28 October, 2014, heralded the disturbing news that, according to its way of seeing China affairs, the future of the Shanghai-Hong Kong Stock Connect scheme is ‘in peril’, not looking promising,…

Violence Against Children: UN Gets it Wrong

The United Nations has just issued a report, ‘Why Children’s Protection from Violence should be at the Heart of the Post-2015 Development Agenda’.  This is a worthy ideal.  Unfortunately, the UN Report does not identify the fundamental cause of violence.…

Mobile Training Van Makes a Difference to Street Children in Thailand

  Human Wrongs Watch A bright colored van filled with educational materials and staffed by trained outreach workers is beginning to make a difference in the lives of street children in Pattaya, Thailand. The van – a mobile training unit…

From Wife-beaters to Peace-preachers: Tackling Domestic Abuse in Zimbabwe’s Hinterland

  Human Wrongs Watch Marondera, October 2014 (IRIN)* — Jairos Maruwe used to beat up his wife so badly he once knocked her unconscious and broke her arm. It landed him in jail at least once, but it was the way…

Dilma wins the most disputed elections in Brazil

Dilma Rousseff was re-elected as President in the most fiercely fought contest in Brazilian history.  The President-elect who managed to unite the support of social movements, parties of the left, ex-militants, academics and celebrities, is the first woman to be…

Three books, three authors in Andina Simón Bolivar University, Ecuador

Photo report by Walker Vizcarra A moving experience took place in the presentation of books by three authors: Tony Robinson, Dario Ergas and Pía Figueroa.  The books were presented by three young readers and the presentations were accompanied by music and theatrical readings…

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