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Can a Pope start a positive domino? The Eco-Eco initiative

What are the biggest worries of the present times? For many it is Climate Change, for many others it is inequality and economic violence. For everybody it is physical violence. The unspeakable violence unleashed in the Middle East boomeranging back…

Hunger strikers mark nuclear anniversary in August

70 years after Hiroshima, we demand nuclear disarmament! We are groups of fasters who have decided to deny ourselves nourishment for 4 days, from August 6th, the anniversary of Hiroshima, till August 9th, the anniversary of Nagasaki, to express our…

Bangladesh: freelancing as number one job for young people

Rapidly, because of outsourcing, freelancing is becoming a most popular and favoured profession for the young people of Bangladesh. Especially, search engine optimization (SEO), Web design and building, also Photoshop skills exercising is also popular along with content provision and…

Mass protest in Tokyo against the Abe administration: No to New Security Bills

In the evening of June 24, 30,000 protesters from cities across Japan gathered to the finale of a week-long sit-in at National Diet Building. The event banner read, “Stop to the change in national security bills! Come together! 6.24 Occupy…

Hong Kong: Legco moderate democrat resigns and re-aligns

Hong Kong’s esteemed Ronny Tong Ka-wah’s has resigned as a legislative councillor in what is seen as a big move for himself as an individual and for the political party that he helped establish, Civic Party, which is now devoid…

Comforting a Baby is Violent

In an article I wrote a year ago, the following words appeared: ‘If a child is crying and you comfort them, you will (presumably unintentionally) scare them out of feeling their sadness when, in fact, their crying is a functional…

From landmines to nuclear weapons: the humanitarian approach to disarmament and the role of digital media

Hosted by Pressenza within the Global Media Forum organized by Deutsche Welle in Bonn Governments without nuclear weapons and civil society organizations have been changing their approach to disarmament and focusing on the humanitarian impacts of such weapons. This tactic…

Quandaries of American “Democracy”

NEITHER FORGIVE DYLANN ROOF… NOR OURSELVES!  Quandaries of American “Democracy” By Gary Corseri In May, it was all about Freddie Gray, police violence, and riots in Baltimore.  Last summer, it was about Ferguson, Missouri, Michael Brown, police violence and riots. …

Is it News or Propaganda?

The Deutsche Welle Global Media Forum officially opened today in Bonn, Germany with several speakers mentioning the “disinformation” coming from such countries as Russia and Iran through their publicly-funded media channels, Russia Today and Press TV respectively, both of which…

The International Campaign to abolish Nuclear Weapons at the Global Media Forum

A team of Pressenza is here at the Deutsche Welle Global Media Forum from the 22nd to the 24th of June, an event hosted by the German public media organisation, Deutsche Welle which brings together over 2000 people from the…

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