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Towards the #Greferendum: The eyes of the world are on us

As the days count down to the 5th of July and the Greek referendum on whether to accept Europe’s demands for more austerity, which looks increasingly like a referendum on whether to stay in the Euro or leave it, our…

Yes, Hong Kong needs to be responsible

Hong Kong July 1, 2015 is a place of varying opinions among its people concerning the way ahead. Which path to take, a pro-Beijing one that will curtail individual freedoms to an uncertain extent, but nothing that cannot be handled,…

Dhaka: journalists raise voices against violent fundamentalism

Rise of fundamentalism is gradually engulfing the much sought for peaceful atmosphere in Bangladesh. Ansarullah Bangla team, a group of fundamentalists, recently threatened to kill 25 top intellectuals including information minister Hasanul Huq Inu, Vice-Chairman of Dhaka University AAMS Arefin…

Chile: The Constitution for Everyone

The Constitution for Everyone is the name of an independent citizens’ initiative in Chile that was publicly launched today with the aim of educating and promoting broad dialogue about the Constitution. Through a digital platform (, participants will be able…

On what basis should Greeks vote yes or no on Sunday?

There is endless commentary in the media about which way Greeks should vote to avoid an apocalypse. Some say Greeks should continue to accept the conditions required by the IMF, the European Central Bank and the European Commission. Others say…

You don’t kill people!

The phrase, “you don’t kill people,” Silo said to us once in an informal dinner, when the conversation was about the atrocities caused by military dictatorships in South America and in the hypothetical case that someone could meet an ex-torturer…

Assam: national action plan for safety of newsmen demanded

The media fraternity of Assam in northeast India has come out on the street demanding legitimate protection for media persons across the country. Journalists representing both print and television media, while demonstrating their anger against the brutal assaults on media…

Towards the #GReferendum

As the days count down to the 5th of July and the Greek referendum on whether to accept Europe’s demands for more austerity, which looks increasingly like a referendum on whether to stay in the Euro or leave it, our…

Turning point in Eurasia: Azerbaijan distances itself from the USA and the EU

Not even the extravagance of Ilham Aliev’s government on the European Olympics in June 2015 – which included the payment of transport costs and a breakfast of Azeri kuku for the 6000 athletes during the games – could change the…

Greek referendum: “The economy isn’t just a matter for experts”

Interview by Domenico Musella and Anna Polo.  The Greek translation of this article appears after the English version. Greece is permanently in the spotlight at the moment and the hashtag #greferendum is trending. We will go deeper into the issue…

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