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The battle between neoliberal and democratic values

A delegation of Humanists was recently invited to Greece in order to give two presentations at the TEDx event in Anogeia on the island of Crete, they also participated in meetings with members of the Greek national and local government. …

Jammu & Kashmir lockdown over so-called Independence Day

Independence Day in Jammu-Kashmir, Saturday August 15, is being held with the entire region under lockdown, a sad fact for its residents. Mirwaiz Umer Farooq, chairman of the moderate Hurriyat group and Syed Ali Shah Geelani, chairman of the breakaway…

Bangladesh blogger killings signal dire need for justice

Bangladesh, which continues to grab international media attention for the wrong reasons, has geared up for a saving of face. As the country witnessed the deadly murder of another atheist blogger recently, the police have succeeded in arresting two suspects…

Taiwan’s system cannot be called democratic

Taiwan cannot be taken as an example of a good democracy just because you can choose your leader freely there, apparently, as distinct from the Hong Kong system where the leader cannot be voted in freely. If you like Taiwan’s…

Negotiations broke down without concluding the Trans-Pacific Partnership!

US Trade Representative (USTR) Michael Froman (formerly of Citibank) and the trade reps from the other 11 Pacific Rim nations as well as investors from hundreds of multi-national corporations left the luxury resort on the Hawaiian island of Maui on…

A chat with Kurt Heyl on The Presocratics and some more

Here we publish the inteview done by Jorge Huneeus to Kurt Heyl, on The Presocratics and much more…

Susan Metz on Face 2 Face

This week show starts with our friend singer and guitarist Mark Lesseraux and continue with Susan Metz to discuss, the Trans-Pacific Partnership Free Trade Agreement (TPP) process and actions against TPP done in New York. More information at  for the Park Slope…

Tomás Hirsch: Leap over Fear

We reproduce here Tomás Hirsch’s chat for TED-X Anogeia, in Crete, Greece, on August 8, 2015: “Hello everyone. I feel profoundly moved on sharing with you this experience in this sacred place. I’m one of the spokespersons for Universalist Humanism,…

5 seconds: A reflection on Hiroshima

At a press conference on the 5th of August organised by the Greek branch of World without Wars and Violence and the Greek peace campaigner Panos Trigazis, in Athens, Nikos Stergiou gave this reflection on the Hiroshima bombing and it’s…

Anti-government protest now extends to high school students – Tipping point in Japanese politics

It was just two months ago that the Japanese parliament passed the bill lowering the voting age from 20 to 18 years old, that is coming into effective in July 2016. The new cohort and soon-to-be voters are now challenging…

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