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Music video made with refugees stranded in Greece

“Fool For Your Love” by the Irish band “Rofi James” is a music video set in the refugee camps of Greece. It tells the story of some of the 60,000 refugees stuck in limbo in Greece. The creators point out…

UN votes to outlaw nuclear weapons in 2017

The United Nations today adopted a landmark resolution to launch negotiations in 2017 on a treaty outlawing nuclear weapons. This historic decision heralds an end to two decades of paralysis in multilateral nuclear disarmament efforts. At a meeting of the First Committee…

Nobel committee losing patience with Bob Dylan. They should have read his lyrics more carefully

Alfred Nobel invented dynamite and other explosives, so perhaps he felt responsible for their military use. But dynamite also opens roads through mountains and gave access to people who were not communicated. So he cannot really be blamed for inventing…

DiEM25: The Pan-European Movement is Picking Up Speed

A quick recap of where DiEM25 is today: The movement kicked off in Berlin last February, quickly followed by two other important events in the Spring: the launch of DiEM25’s Transparency campaign in Rome, and its Refugees and Migration Assembly…

David Swanson: “We need to unite globally around opposition to the entire institution of war”

In your website you say: “We strive to replace a culture of war with one of peace, in which nonviolent means of conflict resolution take the place of bloodshed”. So which role and value can nonviolence have in building…

The week the world agreed to make nuclear weapons illegal

It’s time This week, delegations to the UN General Assembly could help shift the course of history. This sounds dramatic, especially for First Committee. While it always presents a good opportunity for progress, First Committee can sometimes seem like a…

“Beyond Revenge”, the documentary film freely available online

The documentary “Beyond Revenge” that premiered on the 2nd of October in Berlin, and which has already been premiered in several other cities worldwide, is now freely available on youtube, just as the producers, Álvaro Orus and Luz Jahnen said…

Jürgen Grässlin: ‘We all have to realize the utopia of peace’

We have met and interviewed the prominent German peace activist Jürgen Grässlin during the Conference about Utopia at the Monastero del Bene Comune in Sezano (Verona), Italy. Grässlin, an arms trade expert who has already collaborated with Pressenza during the…

German ban on refugees arriving by air challenged in court

On Wednesday the 19th of october, the Center for Political Beauty launched a legal case against the german government because of a law that prohibits airlines from transporting refugees. So this artists’ collective put their street activism on hold and…

Mayors seek “a seat at the global table”

By Santiago Bolaños. In the context of the Habitat III conference that finished today in Quito, Ecuador, mayors from different parts of the world presented the initiative “A seat at the Global Table”.  In the event the mayors sought to…

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