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The Spiritual Shadows of Shahidul Alam

By Shahidul Alam Bait Ur Rouf, the Bangladeshi mosque of Dhaka where this photography was done, is a work of art. The sculptural quality, the use of light, the tranquility of the space, the intelligent use of geometry and the…

The decline and fall of a neoliberal sacred cow

When Team Corbyn dared introduce in the UK Labour Party Manifesto a “Tax the Rich” proposal many held their breath, and were more than a little surprised that not only it did not send people into an anti-pinko frenzy but…

Vandana Shiva: “Nonviolence builds a Resilient Spirit”

Activist Vandana Shiva launched a strong and hopeful message during the “Poison at the Doors” conference in Rome on July 10. According to the Indian scientist, 70% of the food consumed worldwide is still grown by small and medium scale…

Enforced disappearances continue in Pakistan

Pakistani officials answered to the UN Commission on Human Rights over forced abductions carried out by the military and intelligence services. It is the first time that United Nations authorities review Pakistan’s policies on human and civil rights. In the…

Interview with Megan Alvarez, An attorney defending Immigrants Victims of Crimes in Indiana.

By Jhon Sánchez Since meeting Megan back in McKinney law school, I’ve always seen her like one of my cousins —well, part of my family has the same last name as Megan’s: Alvarez. Even though we teased each other like…

“One of the most radical political platforms in the history of the United States”: Carmen Pérez

Carmen Perez, executive director of The Gathering for Justice and co-director of the Women’s March, participated in the opening panel of the Global Media Forum in Bonn.  Pressenza took the opportunity to interview her, the result of which we now…

“Psychedelic Chile: Youth, Counterculture, and Politics on the Road to Socialism and Dictatorship” by Patrick Barr-Melej

As in other aspects of socio-political culture, Chile’s experience of the late 1960s and early 1970s diverged significantly from other countries in Latin America. On the one hand, hippismo (the hippies) and similar countercultural movements that captured the imagination of…

Tens of thousands protest peacefully and colourfully in Hamburg for solidarity without borders

With a very colourful and peaceful protest march of several tens of thousands, the protest days against the G20 summit in Hamburg ended. They were filled with numerous workshops, discussion rounds, art activities and an alternative summit with thousands of…

False fire alarm shortly before Assange video appearance at DiEM25 event in Hamburg

On Friday evening, the participants of the DiEM25 event entitled “Constructive Disobedience”, had to be evacuated in the Audimax Auditorium of the University of Hamburg shortly before the live connection with Julian Assange. On request, the spokesman of the Hamburg…

History made as UN approves treaty to ban nuclear weapons

With a final vote of 122 countries in favour, 1 abstention and 1 against (The Netherlands) the conference to negotiate a treaty to prohibit nuclear weapons approves its text.  The treaty opens for signature during the UN General Assembly on…

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