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Stephen Hawking joins lawsuit aimed at foiling UK’s government NHS shake-up

Stephen Hawking is joining a legal action aimed at questioning yet another set of changes in the NHS [the UK’s National Health Service] which like most previous ones it is feared will lead to greater privatisation and rationing of resources.…

A Trump in a china shop

Not many expected it to be so bad. But Trump’s election has already led to a series of measures that make this time one of the most dangerous in history, including raising the possibility of nuclear war to new heights.…

The Silent Cry of Honduras

By Patricio Zamorano On Sunday, December 17th, the electoral authority of Honduras, in an act of desperation, sought to legitimize the fraud perpetrated in November’s presidential election. The OAS now calls for a repeat of the elections. The crisis in…

Face 2 Face with Tom Cayler

On this show we speak with Tom Cayler, chairman of the Illegal Hotel Committee for Manhattan’s West Side Neighborhood Alliance. The committee works against landlords who push people out to convert their apartments into illegal hotel rooms, and thus decreasing…

San Juan Noir, Conversations with Puerto Rican Authors

By Jhon Sánchez As a Colombian writer living in New York, I owe part of my literary influence to Puerto Rico. Writers like Miguel Piñero, Doña Julia Burgos, Mayra Santos Febres and many others have inspired my career. Every year,…

Chile: Human Rights Day in Villa Grimaldi

by Dalia Chiu It’s not the first time I’ve crossed the gate of the Villa Grimaldi Peace Park. The afternoon is hot and the park is a cool oasis of native trees, cinnamon, patagua, araucaria and the old ombú, that…

Chile: Abstention wins and Piñera becomes President

By Andrés Figueroa Cornejo Once again, abstention has triumphed in the 2017 presidential election, with more than 50% of those entitled to vote not doing so. Chile reaffirms its leadership of countries with least electoral participation in Latin America, and…

The nuclear ban is urgent, many fuses are waiting to be lit

Without trying to spoil ICAN’s Nobel Peace Prize party we should remember the growing threats to the non-proliferation regime and the dangerous accumulation of new risks of a nuclear conflict with unimaginable consequences: because after the approval of the Treaty…

ICAN in Oslo

Last weekend, ICAN were in Oslo to collect their Nobel Peace Prize.  Ralf Schlesener took photos for Pressenza and ICAN at events and behind the scenes at the various activities that took place.  We present a selection of his work…

Chile: the humanist parliamentary bloc “with both feet in the street”

“Don’t expect this bloc to be stuck in parliament.  We will have both feet and all our soul on the streets”.  With these words by Deputy Pamela Jiles, the first press gathering with the Humanist Party bloc took place in…

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