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Conversation with Billy Lawrence

By Jhon Sánchez, I met Billy Lawrence in 2002 while attending Southampton College. Billy, Will to his classmates, was taking MFA classes even though he was an undergraduate student. I think we both took Beginning the Novel, French and Russian…

First advances for the 2nd World March for Peace and Nonviolence

Ten years after the 1st World March[i], the 2nd edition is announced. The 2nd World March for Peace and Nonviolence (WM2) will start in Madrid on the 2nd of October 2019.  After 159 days circling the planet, it will arrive…

Yael Deckelbaum & The Mothers: “Home” – Explore together the Humanity that unites us

What politicians haven’t been able to achieve in years, women are achieving with the power of music. It is a force that unites, beyond any language, nationality or political view. A force which can be stronger than a thousand words,…

Peru and Fujimori: still far away from reconciliation

The latest protests by the people of Peru in recent days as a response to the amnesty given for “humanitarian” reasons to former President Alberto Fujimori, highlight the common feeling of rage against the mockery and abuse of the word…

Film review (sort of) Star Wars, the Last Jedi

Continuing with the discussion of cultural objects that may influence large parts of the population, in spite of being presented as ‘light entertainment’, instalment VIII of the Star Wars series presents some interesting points. As an (intended or not) allegory…

@RadioPressenza: Review of 2017

Our English language readers may not know that our Spanish language colleagues have a weekly radio show, “Pressenza International in your Ear”, on Ecuadorean public radio, Radio Pichincha Universal.  Every week we bring a selection of international news and interviews…

Tribulations in Catalonia: a wedding and several funerals

Diary of a poor mortal in Catalonia. Saturday, December 23, 2017. Once again we have returned to vote. How good democracy feels! Now all that is missing is that there are no politicians imprisoned or charged for being in favour…

A 2018, Republican Corporate Tax Cut Plan, Future of the World Prediction

By Jerome Irwin It doesn’t take a mystic to look into a crystal ball to realize that America’s new draconian corporate tax cut scam now is not only the greatest financial heist and political con to be committed in recent…

The Right wins in Catalonia, but nationalists will form the government

Franco’s youth wing, Ciudadanos (Citizens), prevailed in the Catalan elections called after the Spanish government dissolved the autonomous government after its unilateral declaration of independence. With a very high turnout of almost 82% of the electorate, Citizens obtained 25.48% of…

The era is decisive

Historical moments are a kind of great ship on which we travel without even realizing it sometimes. They have a decisive direction that it is pointless to try to modify from within the small cabins in which we find ourselves.…

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