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#21F and the process of change in Bolivia: barely twelve years versus centuries of humiliation

ALAI AMLAT-en, 09/03/2018.-. Close observation of the coat of arms of the Pluri-National State of Bolivia, reveals at the bottom of the oval a mountain. But not just any mountain: it is the Sumaj Orcko, a magnificent peak, a sacred…

Conversation with Leland Cheuk

by Jhon Sánchez Last year, Leland Cheuk, one of the editors of Newfound, wrote to me accepting one my short stories for publication. My story is dedicated to the New York Mills Art Cultural Center where I was an artist…

On Track for Extinction: Can Humanity Survive?

Anyone reading the scientific literature (or the progressive news outlets that truthfully report this literature) knows that homo sapiens sapiens is on the fast track to extinction, most likely some time between 2025 and 2040. For a taste of the…

Celebrating the work of women on International Women’s Day

It would be impossible to write an article about all the contributions made by women throughout history. And in the present climate of #MeToo and Time’s Up what better point to reflect on than some of those contributions to inspire…

329 financial institutions shamed for assisting nuclear weapon production

Today marked the release by PAX, the Dutch peace organisation, of their annual Don’t Bank on the Bomb report.  This year’s report is more relevant than ever given last year’s historic agreement by 122 countries on the text of the…

Politicians Infected by Heights Virus?

A strange thing tends to happen when people rise to positions of power, especially politicians and elected officials who, thanks to their good office have the resources of the country at their disposal. We see it happening all around us,…

New Zealand will create a ministry for Disarmament

New Zealand will become the first country in the world to have a Ministry for Disarmament and Arms Control, which will place special emphasis on ending existing nuclear arsenals. On Tuesday, Jacinta Ardern, New Zealand’s prime minister, made the announcement…

Ecuador Endangered

By John Seed* The tropical Andes of Ecuador are at the top of the world list of biodiversity hotspots in terms of vertebrate species, endemic vertebrates, and endemic plants. Ecuador has more orchid and hummingbird species than Brazil, which is…

Smear campaign against Jeremy Corbyn: apologies, he’s not a spy

Both The Sun and The Daily Mail published articles claiming Jeremy Corbyn was a paid informant of the Czech secret police in the 80s at the height of the Cold War, as reported by former Communist spy Jan Sarkocy . Mr…

Junk Planet: Is Earth the Largest Garbage Dump in the Universe?

Is Earth the largest garbage dump in the Universe? I don’t know. But it’s a safe bet that Earth would be a contender were such a competition to be held. Let me explain why. To start, just listing the types…

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