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Geneva launches new government round on autonomous weapons: The danger of machines learning to kill by themselves

by Javier Tolcachier It stands for LAWS. These are the lethal autonomous weapon systems, also called killer robots. Far from being futuristic hallucinations of science fiction writers, they constitute one of the nuclei of the current arms race. The US…

Puigdemont: The denial of dialogue is not an option in democracy

Carles Puigdemont, former president of the Generalitat [Goverment] of Catalonia, has appeared this afternoon to the press in Berlin for the first time since his release. The overnight and apparently improvised press conference took place in Berlin-Kreuzberg, in a cultural…

Brazilian humanists repudiate Lula’s illegal political imprisonment

The international humanist movement opposes the unjust order  ofpolitical imprisonment of the ex-president of Brazil, Luis Inácio Lula da Silva. We denounce the Kafkian Process We oppose this hasty vote, manipulated by the Minister Carmem Lucia, pressured by the media…

[Brazil] Lurking Coup on the lookout

The decision of Brazil’s highest court of justice, rejecting Lula’s appeal against his 12-year sentence for corruption, is paving the way for his imprisonment. What has been resolved has unavoidable political implications for the next elections to be held in…

Piero Giorgi: Empathy, solidarity, cooperation, nonviolence, spirituality and respect for nature could unite us

As the European Humanist Forum approaches, we’re taking the opportunity to interview our speakers about the ideas behind the Forum. Piero P. Giorgi is an Italian neuroscientist whose education took him from Bologna, to the UK, Switzerland and then to…

Paul Larudee: Only Syrians can create Syrian solutions

Paul Larudee is a Californian academic and human rights organizer who has always been involved in the causes of the Middle East. He is part of the Syria Solidarity Movement. What people and organizations are in the Syria Solidarity Movement?…

There are already 17 dead, victims of repression in Gaza

Tens of thousands of Palestinians participated in the Great Return March on Friday, commemorating Land Day. The Israeli army claims that part of the demonstrators threw incendiary bombs and burning tires at the position of the soldiers who responded with…

Nonviolence or Nonexistence? The Legacy of Martin Luther King Jr.

Fifty years ago, on 4 April 1968, the Reverend Martin Luther King Jr. was assassinated The night before he died, King gave another of his many evocative speeches; this one at the packed Mason Temple in Memphis. The speech included…

Baltasar Garzón to appear in the opening session of the European Humanist Forum 2018

Judge Baltasar Garzón will be in the opening session of the European Humanist Forum 2018 taking place on the 11th, 12th and 13th of May in Madrid. He will talk about issues concerning Universal Jurisdiction in the defence of Human…

The ways of the Lord (money) are inscrutable

The resignation of the now ex-president of Peru Pedro Kuczynski, has been one more chapter in the complex network of corruption built between the Brazilian company Odebrecht and his companions of misdeeds of the public and private sector in Latin…

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