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The global scenarios of the 21st century in the light of mega-history

Summary of the first lecture by Akop Nazaretian, in the postgraduate course, “Theoretical Approaches to History”, organized by the Department of Philosophy of the Central University Marta Abreu de las Villas and with the collaboration of the Centre for Humanist…

Markets: The enemy shows its face

Recent events have clearly demonstrated the great role and power of the so-called markets. The words of the European Budget Commissioner, Günther Oettinger, “The markets will teach the Italians how to vote correctly” are unequivocal. In fact, this is a…

An Indian initiative to fight gender discrimination: a nonviolence demonstration effect

The news form India about rape, murder-rape, abortion of female foetuses and killing of baby girls at birth have dominated the media with horror stories and western outrage. But there is much less about the efforts being made by different…

Africa, a history to rediscover. 1- The great civilizations of southern Africa

About 1600 years ago the Shona, a very well-organized warrior people, descended from Sudan to southern Africa, bringing with them astronomical and spiritual knowledge as well as the practices of agriculture and metalworking (gold, iron and copper). From the scarce…

Face 2 Face with Matthew Shapiro

On this show we speak with Matthew Shapiro, Legal Director with the Street Vendor Project. We discuss the present situation of street vendors in New York the number of vendor licenses and permits have been frozen since 1983 and the…

We must resist and not allow a single step backwards to be taken in the right to health

Carmen Esbrí is a human rights activist. Member of the Madrid Public Health Defence Committee MEDSAP – Marea Blanca and of the National White Tide Coordinator. The Madrid Public Health Defence Committee MEDSAP – Marea Blanca (White Tide), is a…

What unites us can be perceived, we must give form to how we can unite.

Paco Vaquero is a member of Humanistas por la Renta Básica Universal. (Humanists for the Universal Basic Income). He has participated in the European Humanist Forum, held recently in Madrid, as a speaker at the round table on “Independent Journalism…

Criminalisation of solidarity, Hungary at the forefront

Hungary, ruled by Viktor Orban’s racist right wing, has always distinguished itself for its anti-immigrant policy (just think of the barbed wire barrier built in 2015 on the border with Serbia), but those who oppose it are now being harshly…

Corruption ends Rajoy’s term and puts socialist Pedro Sánchez as president

With 180 votes in favour and 169 against, the Spanish Parliament has kicked Mariano Rajoy out of the Moncloa [Parliament] and elected the socialist Pedro Sánchez. Sánchez becomes president of the government after a no confidence motion, an intelligent and…

South American March for Peace and Active Nonviolence

The South American March for Peace and Active Nonviolence is an initiative of the organization World without Wars and without Violence, which has volunteers in several countries of the world, and in 2009 organized the successful and massive World March…

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