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Africa, a history to rediscover. 6 – The Realm of the Congo, Queen Nzingha and the struggle against colonialism and slavery

Africa is a land of internal migration, as it has been the case for every continent on earth. The Bakongo people arrived in the region of the river Congo as part of the first Bantù migration, bringing with them the…

City of Hiroshima peace declaration

Today marks the 73rd anniversary of the bombing of Hiroshima, which with the bombing of Nagasaki 3 days later, caused the immediate deaths of over 200,000 people, and the subsequent deaths of tens of thousands more.  Every year, the City…

Africa, a history to rediscover. 5 – The Ghanaian Empire

The Ghanaian Empire was after the Kingdom of Kush the largest empire of sub-Saharan Africa and one of the largest that Africa has ever known. At the time of its greatest expansion (X-XI centuries) it included current-day Sudan, Niger, Senegal, Mali and…

Science Crucial to Global Environment Facility (GEF) Action

The Science and Technical Advisory Panel (STAP), establishing a sense of urgency, deployed scientific analysis to set priorities to guide the investment of newly replenished funds allocated to solve our persistent and worsening global environment woes. At the Global Environment…

Population and the Environment

By John Scales Avery One hopes that human wisdom and ethics will continue to grow, but unlimited growth of population and industry on a finite earth is a logical impossibility. Today we are pressing against the absolute limits of the…

Bangladeshi students protest over road safety and justice

As reported by: Nazrul Jashim Photos: Collection courtesy of friends Bangladesh. Since July 30, students of different educational institutions have been demonstrating on the streets, asking for justice. On July 29, two students died in a road accident at the airport road. The incident pushed the…

Ethics and Art UK. Artists remove their work for Arms Dealer funded exhibition

According to an article written by Javier Pes, for Artnet August 2, 2018,  “Artists Dramatically Remove Their Work From London’s Design Museum to Protest Its Decision to Host an Arms Dealer “Artist are harshly criticizing the London museum’s response to the uproar…

The Vatican roulette just got an upgrade, but the app may just be another baby factory

Many years ago (in the BC era, that is, before computers, mobile phones and apps) religious women used to count the days between periods to determine when it was safe to have sex, away from ovulation (which imprecisely happens around…

Germany vs United States: Justice Compared

By Anthony Donovan With A good Ally. Two of “Democracy’s” Courts A brief comparison of two “democratic” Judicial systems and their respective institutional treatment of citizens fulfilling their obligations to expose and educate others of the catastrophic lies and the…

Sanders: Thank you, Koch brothers, for accidentally making the case for Medicare for All!

Sen. Bernie Sanders, I-Vt., thanked billionaire mega donors Charles and David Koch for unintentionally helping make the case for Medicare for all. Sanders’s remarks came in a video posted on his Twitter account. The words: “Thank you Koch Brothers” appeared…

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