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Nuclear weapons are terrifying, but what can I do?

Nuclear weapons are indeed the worst weapon ever created. They are designed to decimate cities. The Red Cross & the UN have said that if they’re used in a populated area, there’s no help coming[1], there’s nothing anyone can do…

In Afghanistan, our need to rethink the institution of war

By Dr Hakim* It’s frustrating that whereas all human beings wish to live meaningful lives, we seem helpless in the face of a few individuals waging wars and exploiting our world. But we can each do something about this insensible…

Legal and Illegal Immigration: A Winning Hand for Trump?

“You bring one person in, and you end up with 32 people.” With these words, Donald Trump condemned as “chain migration” the branch of American immigration law which in reality reunites families. Even Michael Wildes, the lawyer who helped Viktor…

#17A: The day Barcelona said no to violence

Today marks one year since the attacks in Barcelona, which caused a total of 24 deaths between attackers and those attacked. Out of respect for the victims and their families, remembering the citizens’ loving response would be the best act…

Revolution as a way to be fully human

Speech by Vito Correddu from the “Salvatore Puledda” Centre for Humanist Studies at the 14th Philosophy Congress in Beijing on behalf of the World Centre for Humanist Studies. Nowadays talking about revolution is a major reason for criticism. Naivety, obsolescence,…

Cosima Kern: Religion and the belief system are the main challenges of implementing Basic Income in Germany

Cosima Kern is Vice-chair of Germany’s Basic Income Alliance “Bündnis Grundeinkommen”, founded in 2016. The party’s aim is to get established political parties talking about the Basic Income. “We are seeing that many people are interested in Basic Income, more…

Sara Bizarro: “It’s very difficult to make plans when you don’t have a basic income security”

Sara Bizarro, member of BIEN and of USBIG and a research fellow at CEPS, talks about different approaches to Universal Basic Income in the US and in Europe in the full interview she gave for the documentary “UBI, our right…

Isabelle Bourgeois: Your joy is my destination

Early readers from the first days of Pressenza will remember Isabelle Bourgeois as a passionate journalist who joined the Base Team of the World March for Peace and Nonviolence.  Almost every day, Isabelle would upload a video summary of the…

Scott Santens, activist and example of how to live on a basic income

Activist Scott Santens is American and lives in New Orleans. Through a crowfunding campaign he lives from his own basic income. Álvaro Orús and Mayte Quintanilla “I’m dedicating my life to making this idea really come to light,” Scott Santens…

Human Extinction by 2026? A Last Ditch Strategy to Fight for Human Survival

There is almost unanimous agreement among climate scientists and organizations – that is, 97% of over 10,000 climate scientists and the various scientific organizations engaged in climate science research – that human beings have caused a dramatic increase in the…

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