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Captured states: When EU governments are a channel for corporate interests

The new report of Corporate Europe Observatory, called “Captured states: When EU governments are a channel for corporate interests”, warns about the power that corporate lobbies have in influencing decision-making in the EU. Member states play a hugely important role…

Conversation with Ho Lin author of China Girl

By Jhon Sánchez In 2017, Ho Lin edited one of my short stories, but we met in person for the first time in February 2018, during a reading of his book, China Girl, at Bluestockings in New York City’s Bohemian…

Freedom for Leonard Peltier after 43 years of unjust imprisonment

February the 6th, 2019 marks 43 years of unjust imprisonment for Leonard Peltier. We want to remember his story once again. Maybe some people already know it, but for those who still do not know it, we want you to…

The Stansted 15 will not spend time in jail

The Stansted 15, a group of anti-deportation protesters who blocked a government deportation flight last year, will avoid jail, with 3 set to be given suspended sentences and 12 set to be given community service. Sentenced today by a Crown…

Jeremy Corbyn: “The future of Venezuela is a matter for the Venezuelans”

Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn said on Friday that the intervention in Venezuela and the call for sanctions against the government of Nicolas Maduro are “wrong” and that only Venezuelans have the right to decide their own destiny. “The future of…

Nationalism or multilateralism, war or peace

By Juan Gómez, World Centre for Humanist Studies. Let’s think about the necessary conditions for Peace and Nonviolence to prosper and, while we’re at it, the necessary characteristics that lead to conflict and confrontation. In terms of “nature”, all human…

Governments of Uruguay and Mexico to convene international conference on Venezuela

In communiqués from their respective foreign ministries, Mexico and Uruguay have called for an international conference to create the conditions for dialogue between the different political forces in Venezuela. “The purpose of the conference is to lay the foundations for…

INF Treaty suspension: Prevent the deployment of new missiles

One day after the USA announced suspension of the INF Treaty, Russia has followed suit and announced the development of new missiles. US withdrawal from the INF Treaty by Donald Trump breaks with a proven arms control measure, and is…

A Nonviolent Strategy to Defeat the US Coup Attempt in Venezuela

To the People of Venezuela Yet again, the United States elite has decided to attempt to impose its will on the people of another nation, in this case, and not for the first time either, your country Venezuela. On 23…

Learning from Gandhi

Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi was born on 2 October 1869: 150 years ago this year. There will be many tributes to Gandhi published in 2019 so I would like to add one of my own. This reflects not just my belief…

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