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The US Agenda in Venezuela

The Trump administration set a deadline of February 23, 2019 for Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro to bow down to the US. US military aircraft have landed in Colombia under the pretext of delivering humanitarian aid, as Trump vows to overthrow…

Bavarians Vote to Stop Extinction

The world is in the throes of an extinction crisis unlike any throughout paleoclimate history, aka: the Sixth Mass Extinction, keeping in mind that the normal “background rate” for extinction is 1-to-5 species gone per year. But, what if it’s…

Venezuela and Binary Choice

When a CIA-backed military coup is attempted by a long term CIA puppet, roared on by John Bolton and backed with the offer of Blackwater mercenaries, in the country with the world’s largest oil reserves, I have no difficulty whatsoever…

Nuclear disarmament in the Latin American Humanist Forum

As we get closer to the date on which the IV Latin American Humanist Forum will take place in Santiago de Chile – the 10th, 11th and 12th of May – the twenty-four different thematic Areas that will participate seeking…

“Young people are unwilling to inherit this environmental disaster”, Doris Balvin

We contacted Doris Balvín, Peruvian woman with a long trajectory in New Humanism and current coordinator of the Network Beyond Climate Change, who will participate in the next Latin American Humanist Forum in order to ask her how they are…

General Elections in Spain: “Great mobilization against hate speech”.

Strong electoral results against the insane dreams of neofascism. The participation in the general elections of April 28 has exceeded 75% in all of Spain, almost 9 points more than in the 2016 elections. The increase was even more marked…

Yazidi women raped by IS allowed to return to their homes in Iraq with their babies

“Yazidi survivors groups have embraced a decision by the community’s elders to allow children who are the result of rape by members of Islamic State to return with their Yazidi mothers to their homelands in Iraq. “The landmark ruling by…

Conversation with Poets in Observance of Holocaust Remembrance Day

By Jhon Sánchez April in New York City is the time to see the cherry blossom, carry an umbrella and prepare for Seder and Eastern. Before coming to New York, I had never participated in Seder, but every year now,…

“We need to install a new paradigm of democracy”, Guillermo Sullings

26.04.2019 – Santiago de Chile – Pía Figueroa We interviewed Guillermo Sullings, former Argentine humanist candidate for the Presidency of the Nation and current coordinator of the Real Democracy Network at the IV Latin American Humanist Forum, which will meet…

Face 2 Face with Deborah Kolb

On this show we speak with Deborah Kolb, about organizing, WRITE ME: a poetry reading and film screening in observance of Yom HaShoah (Holocaust Remembrance Day) on Wednesday, May 1, at Derfner Judaica Museum at Hebrew Home located at 5901…

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