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A Call to Invest in Peace Rally at the BLACKROCK shareholders’ meeting

By Jhon Sánchez and Tim Kennedy May 23, at 7:30 am, a hundred protesters gathered in the rain to call out BLACKROCK investors and encourage divestment in the war machine. According to Code Pink, BLACKROCK is the top investor in…

Face 2 Face with Marcia Butler

On this show we speak with Marcia Butler about her first novel, Pickle’s Progress, a New York story about people from dysfunctional families and their twisted path to love. We conclude by talking about her new documentary, The Creative Imperative,…

Climate Emergency Rally in NYC

Students gather Friday in Columbus Circle in New York for a student-led protest, part of many school climate strikes around the world, against a lack of action on climate issues and to raise awareness about climate change. Photos by Gustavo…

Campaigns: Art for Democracy and Love Will Overcome Hatred

On Saturday, May 11, 2019, during the IV Latin American Humanist Forum, a picturesque round of conversation took place about the documentary “El Ódio” by Andrés Sal.Lari and about the campaigns “Art for Democracy” and “Love Will Overcome Hatred” which…

Veterans For Peace Commemorate Memorial Day in NYC

Sunday, May 26th, 2019 | Annual VFP Chapter 34 Memorial Day Observance in Battery Park, in front of the East Coast Memorial on the waterfront, near the Statue of Liberty Ferry. Speech given by Susan Schnall Good afternoon. My name…

Ada Colau loses the mayor’s office in Barcelona. Municipalism cannot surrender

A strong woman, Ada Colau, has demonstrated with her party “Barcelona en Comú”, to be able to lead surely the most progressive social policies of democracy not only in Barcelona but comparatively in all the Spanish State. It emerged from…

An oasis of progressive thinking in the midst of the Syrian war

Have you ever heard of Rojava, the semiautonomous Kurdish region in North West Syria? Probably not, or you may have seen a recent article/letter in The Guardian from relatives of British people who went to join the US-backed Kurdish effort…

UK Prime Minister leaving, but she did the job she was brought in to do

Theresa May tearful resignation has produced a number of conflicting reactions. There is the “poor May” faction, claiming she was given an impossible job: to deliver Brexit in a country and political parties split down the middle, and throwing in…

Humanist Party campaign event in Madrid: “We need to build a new model of society”.

Representatives of the candidates for the European, local and regional elections share their proposals “There are many issues to deal with right now, but it is essential to understand that this system has failed and that we need to build…

For the Climate Crisis kids the future is now – and Nonviolence works

On Friday, 24 May 2019, Jenny Tuazon – <> wrote: Hi Friend, As a second massive global School Strike unfolds today in 120 countries, I’m forwarding you this powerful call to action published today by Greta Thunberg and other young…

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