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On The Importance of Pride

By Patricia Smith June. LGBTQ Pride Month. For years, as a young teacher in Boston, I looked forward to Gay Pride Day (what we called it back then), celebrated in Boston on the first Saturday in June. I went in…

New York City Moved to Divest and Ban Nuclear Weapons

By David Andersson On Wednesday, June 9, New York City Council members Dromm, Rosenthal and Kallos introduced Resolution 976 to: 1) require the city to divest from financial institutions involved in the production and maintenance of nuclear weapons; and 2)…

Sea Watch and everything else: testimony of a journalist-activist

While I write, the dramatic developments regarding the migrants that were rescued by Sea Watch and have been stuck in open see for almost two weeks have not yet reached a conclusion. Having followed this story with passion, I want…

Chile: [President of Teachers Union] Mario Aguilar and 38 other teachers demonstrating peacefully arrested

The Chilean Carabineros dissolved and repressed the teachers who were demonstrating in front of the Government Palace, in a peaceful manner headed by the President of the Union Mario Aguilar. For a year, all of Chile’s teachers debated, analysed and…

Corporate power and human destiny

By Juan Gómez* We have witnessed over the past decades that humanity and its environment seem to be on the wrong track leading to their imminent destruction. The alarm signal was triggered by the depletion of some non-renewable natural resources,…

Water Not Oil: Battle Cry Of The Blue Planet

By Jerome Irwin It’s a battle cry inspired by the dire climate crisis that has been sung by many for years yet still hasn’t been resolutely taken up by the world as a whole. So the question remains: what ultimately…

Green New Deals

By Howard Richards On February 7, 2019, Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez of New York introduced in the United States House of Representatives a RESOLUTION Recognizing the duty of the Federal Government to create a Green New Deal. It demanded benefits Americans…

Transgender Thoughts on the Occasion of Stonewall at Fifty

By Willa N. France These oppressive political times push the trans community, bodily, backwards. Of course, we have always moved ahead in protest. At Stonewall, “transvestites” (the term then used) of color led the riots, a fact often omitted telling…

Julian Assange and that information that can change the world

Interview with Patricio Mery Bell, journalist, Chilean activist and former adviser to Rafael Correa. Cristina Mirra: Can you tell us about the work of Assange and Wikileaks? Patricio Mary Bell: Julian Assange is a hero of freedom of expression and…

Permafrost Collapses 70 Years Early

Fasten your seat belt! Global warming is on a rampage. As a consequence, many ecosystems may be on the verge of total collapse. In fact, recent activity in the hinterlands surely looks that way. Over time, the backlash for civilized…

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