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The 2nd World March for Peace and Nonviolence begins tomorrow, International Nonviolence Day

Ten years after the 1ª World March our organization returns to continue reaching more people The 2nd WM begins in Madrid on 2 October, 2019, International Day of Nonviolence, ten years after the 1ªMM. It will leave in the direction of Africa, North…

The Beginning of the End of Nuclear Weapons premiered in Kyoto, Japan

On the 29th of September, during the public symposium: “Advancing to the ideal of a world free of nuclear weapons and wars” organised by Pugwash Japan, Religions for Peace Japan, the Nagasaki University Research Center for Nuclear Weapons Abolition, and…

The Global Climate Movement is Failing: Why?

It has been satisfying to note the significant response to two recent climate campaigns: the actions, including the recent Global Climate Strike, initiated by school students inspired by Greta Thunberg and the climate actions organized by Extinction Rebellion. While delighted…

The Art of Nonviolence

On the occasion of the International Day of Nonviolence, 2 October 2019, 11 international artists have been invited to a symposium at the Schlamau Study and Reflection Park near Berlin. At the beautiful meeting place in Hohen Fläming, the artists…

Face 2 Face with Diane Pagen

On this show we speak with Diane Pagen with Basic Income NYC about universal basic income (UBI) and how that model of guaranteed income works. She also discusses the Basic Income March that will take place in NYC on Saturday,…

Climate Strike part 2: 27/9/19. In total more than 6 million in the streets

Between last week’s marches and yesterday, massive demos have taken place all over the world to demand urgent action on fossil fuels responsible for climate change, pollution induced illness and death and to end the culture of business as usual…

Attention. Humanity will raise the attentional level when a great scare occurs

To pay attention is to get rid of the noise that thoughts provoke, these take you from one subject to another without control, at the mercy of the worries, climates and reveries that invade us. Attention is surely one of…

The Beginning of the End of Nuclear Weapons premieres in Madrid

In a final event to mark Pressenza’s 10th birthday. Photos Ariel Brocchieri On Monday 23 September, as advertised, the documentary “The Beginning of the End of Nuclear Weapons” premiered in Spain, in Madrid, at the historic Cine Doré, and was…

Demonstrations in Paris: Climate and Act 45 of the Gilets Jaunes (Yellow Vests): “The right to demonstrate in France becomes … theoretical”

Great demonstration this September 21, many people, but the police appeared ferociously to tear-gas all the procession, mostly peaceful, so much so that this one, which almost got to the Port-Royal station, had to return to the starting point! They…

NYC: Income Savings Plan Program (ISP)

On the Department of Homeless Services proposal to amend the Rules of the City of New York to establish an income savings program for shelter residents with earned income, to be known as “ISP” or “Income Savings Plan Program” By…

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