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Defying the neoliberal prescriptions: The organic veins in América Latina

Javier Tolcachier 22/10/2019 Evo won! The process of change won. By a small difference, after the count, the officialist binomio overcame the barrier of ten points over the second, Carlos Mesa. The representa tive of neoliberalism was the ex-vice president…

We advance in Chile to a General Strike for the Constituent Assembly

The undersigned organizations have gathered in a historic meeting whose purpose was to give a sign of unity in the face of the indolence and lack of willingness of the government, businessmen and parliament to listen, attend and process the…

Armenian Genocide Resolution for Dinner

By Nancy Agabian On Tuesday October 29, the House passed a resolution acknowledging the Armenian Genocide of 1915. Many Armenian Americans celebrated, but I didn’t. Don’t get me wrong – as the granddaughter of a genocide survivor, I know how…

Nelsy Lizarazo speaking from Ecuador: “Now we know who we are”.

When, after 11 days of strong social mobilization, Decree 883 was repealed and the beginning of a broad dialogue between the government and the indigenous movement was announced, the issue ceased to occupy the headlines of the mainstream media. However,…

Santiago LIVE: Thousands of people gather spontaneously

  In this link, you can follow live the spontaneous mobilization that is taking place in Santiago de Chile. One million people according to the radio. 19:15 The Carabineros (police) began to pour tear gas and water upon the people, who…

Chile: Tomás Hirsch Explains Reasons for Piñera’s Constitutional Accusation

In an interview with Chile’s 24Horas channel on October 29, humanist deputy Tomás Hirsch explained the two fundamental reasons that have led his party and other deputies to file a constitutional accusation against President Sebastián Piñera: political responsibility for the…

Greta and the young people who jumped the turnstiles

“How dare you?,” Greta Thurnberg said at the UN to those responsible for the planet’s environmental situation, angry, impotent, belonging to the generation that will inherit a world collapsed in its sustainability. She was coming to Chile to participate in…

How many Green New Deals are there

Faced with the evidence of the climate crisis, deniers no longer deny the rise of global temperatures, but rather contest its anthropogenic origin, in order to continue with business as usual. As Naomi Klein explained, the “Lords of oil” know…

The Yang Gang During the Basic Income March

By Jhon Sánchez One of Andrew Yang’s presidential proposals is to implement a guaranteed income of 1,000 dollars per month to all U.S. citizens. Freedom Dividend, as he called it, “is a form of universal basic income (UBI), a type…

Eighth Fair of Nonviolent Initiatives was held in Quito

In the framework of Nonviolent October, this morning and afternoon was held in Cumandá Parque Urbano, in the city of Quito, the 8th Fair of Nonviolent Initiatives. Hundreds of people visited stands and participated in recreational activities, sensory, with pets,…

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