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Studies refute OAS claims of irregularities in Bolivian elections

Evo Morales has been credited with turning his country around. From being the most impoverished in South America he managed to raise living standards, giving priority to education, health, pensions, the rights of the indigenous population and creating mouth watering…

Event for the signing of the Treaty for the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons

Yesterday afternoon, in the crowded lounge of the Peace Boat, anchored in the Port of Piraeus, Pressenza’s documentary “The Beginning of the End of Nuclear Weapons“ premiered in Greece in the presence of journalists and activists. The importance of the…

The generation of rupture

By Dario Ergas We have been astonished by the manifestation of a new generation that warned of its existence these last few months in Chile. They expressed, subverting the economic and public order, that they do not like the social…

The unimaginable paths

By Víctor Manuel Sánchez Interview with Luis Milani about the current reality in Latin America*. VMS: Do social phenomena such as those that occurred recently in Argentina, Chile, Ecuador, a little further away like what happened in Venezuela a few…

The International Humanist Party repudiates and condemns the coup perpetrated in Bolivia against the legitimate government of Evo Morales

Faced with the serious situation in Bolivia that has led its president Evo Morales to resign, the International Humanist Party expresses its rejection and condemns the coup d’état that the opposition has perpetrated in this country. We humanists reject and…

Spanish elections: “we’re all going to hell”

The bitter taste of the defeat of possible progress. The Spanish Socialist Party has won the elections again, but has lost seats, its faithful have not supported it. Podemos, the left-wing alternative to governing with PSOE, still lost more seats.…

Facing the resignation of President Evo Morales and the coup d’état in Bolivia

By José Gabriel Feres* The resignation of Evo Morales, President of Bolivia, and of Vice-President Álvaro García Lineras is undoubtedly a regrettable fact, not only for Bolivia, but for all democratic processes on the continent and in the world. The…

Demonstrations from abroad of support, encouragement and inspiration for Chile

Al over the world there have been demonstrations in support of the rebellion in Chile, fuelled by the core tiredness of the people of having their basic rights played with by the same elite that has accumulated and concentrated the…

More images of the multitudinous demonstration in Santiago

There are many images left of this Friday of the third week of mass demonstrations in various places in Chile. Without a doubt Santiago is the place from where our photographers have collected the most moments, despite the fact that…

ICAN organisations meet at the Peace Boat in Barcelona

On the occasion of the arrival of the Peace Boat in Barcelona on Tuesday 5 November, several ICAN organisations met in an event that brought together initiatives and proposals relating to world peace. The Peace Boat, Japanese ship of Peace,…

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