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Neoliberalism Backfires

Nick Hanauer, a self-professed capitalist billionaire, spoke at a TED conference only recently. He exposed neoliberalism’s brand of capitalism getting away with murder in plain sight. Mr. Hanauer described himself: “After a 30-year career in capitalism spanning three dozen companies,…

Long Live The Women! Women From Latin America And The World Rally To Put A Stop To Violence

Reportage and photos by Gustavo Espinoza, translated by Jhon Sánchez. In Union Square, The New York Women’s Strike, Puerto Rican Women, Women of Resistance in Brazil, Assembly of Chileans in New York, organizations for the abolition of prisons, leaders for…

Rabbis write to Jeremy Corbyn to express support and denounce the comments by the UK Chief Rabbi

26th  November 2019 Dear Mr. Corbyn – Leader of the Labour Party I write to you on behalf of the Executive Board of the United European Jews organization regarding an unusually disturbing declaration  that was today reported in the media…

Trenton Makes: Interview with the Author Tadzio Koelb

By Jhon Sánchez I had read Trenton Makes more than once. The first time was for John Reed’s workshop at the New School. Tadzio had just graduated from his Masters in the prestigious University of East Anglia in Britain, and…

What happened when Chile woke up

Despite horrific police violence and government concessions, protesters in Chile are holding firm in their calls for systemic change. It has been a month since Chileans took to the streets in a surprising and mostly nonviolent uprising that changed the…

November Nostalgia 2019: End of a Decade

By j.jill As Thanksgiving week hammers its start-of-the-season advertising from restorative nostalgia around family tables—turkey, gravy and mashed potatoes— to Black Friday ads that repeat the same jingle every two minutes, it’s time to turn it all off and just…

International Day For The Elimination Of Violence Against Women

Statement read publicly on November 25th in Union Square NYC  during the celebration of the International Day for the elimination of violence against women. We have come together today to ​honor those women we have lost at the hands of…

Solidarity with Chile-Video covering Art Installation in Berlin

Berlin is a very lively, cosmopolitan city and this is especially true for its large Chilean community. Over the last 4 weeks, they have expressed their disdain for the events in Chile through multiple activities. We reported that there were…

Letter supporting Jeremy Corbyn signed by Roger Waters, Noam Chomsky, Naomi Klein, Angela Davis, Brian Eno and many others

“The coming UK election is indeed a landmark and monumental one as signatories to a recent letter attest. However, we are outraged that Jeremy Corbyn, a life-long committed anti-racist, is being smeared as an anti-semite by people who should know better.…

Second Pressenza journalist assaulted for reporting in Chile

After a few weeks ago – when massive protests began in the streets of the country and the country was still under siege and curfew -our journalist Claudia Aranda was detained for a few hours by Carabineros and the specialized…

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