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International celebration in the Mountain

Once again, siloístas, messengers, travelers, meet in the Mendoza mountain; in the usual place of Punta de Vacas, at the crossroads of three mountain ranges. The conference takes place on January 2,3,4,5 and 6, 2020. Where days before the members…

Interview with Sarah Plant, who just translated “Un Violador en tu Camino” A Rapist in Your Path

In this interview we speak with Sarah Plant who made the English version of “Un Violador en tu Camino”, the original Spanish-language chant was written and performed by the Chilean feminist collective, Las Tesis, in Nov. 2019 and is based…

A Rationale for Unbounded Organization: A Path to Positive Peace

By Howard Richards This is a proposal for a pragmatic, functional and realistic framework for talking, thinking and building institutions.1 The fundamental fact of human history and of social science is the existence of living human individuals. This implies the…

Mega Droughts Engulf Countries

Throughout the world, mega droughts are hitting hard with a ferocity not seen in decades and in some cases not seen in centuries. It’s not merely coincidental that as global warming accelerates droughts turn more vicious than ever before. All…

No War With Iran: Day of Action

On Thursday, January 9, at 5 p.m. at Foley Square in NYC, the anti-war movement got together to oppose Trump’s war and say #NoWarWithIran. Trump’s reckless action has needlessly endangered countless lives of U.S. troops, Iraqis, Iranians, and countless other…

Homage To Ecuadorian Journalism In New York

“The profession of journalism is a quixotic task. If a writer, a journalist, would not serve his fellows, he will do well to throw his pen into the fire.” Juan Montalvo, Ecuadorian writer, essayist (1832-1889). The National Confederation of Journalists,…

Face 2 Face with Flavia Fontes

On this show we speak with filmmaker Flavia Fontes about the current unrest in South America. The region is facing a crisis and a very uncertain future, as seen in the raging opposition to Ecuadorian President Lenín Moreno, Chilean’s fiery…

An eye for an eye you go blind!!! The World March calls for an immediate stop to the military escalation in the Middle East

The Italian Promoting Committee of the World March for Peace and Nonviolence expresses concern and outrage at the military escalation that is inflaming the Middle East and calls on the parties to immediately stop all military action. It is not…

Re-writing history from a human perspective

Dr John Scales Avery, known to peace activists the world over for his tireless efforts to eliminate nuclear weapons for which he was recognised, as part of the Pugwash Conferences, with the 1995 Nobel Peace Prize, is a prolific author…

“No Hate No Fear” Solidarity March for Jewish Communities in NYC

“No Hate, No Fear” march against anti-Semitism in New York City on January 5th 2020. An estimated 25,000 people gathered in Foley Square in lower Manhattan and then walked across the Brooklyn Bridge. People from Montreal and Toronto Canada, Connecticut,…

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