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Manolis Glezos: great left personality awarded with Lenin Peace Prize, dies at the age of 98

Manolis Glezos was a very important personality of the left in Greece. In the EU elections, he was elected first (among the Greeks) in the European Parliament with SYRIZA. He had announced that this was a symbolic postulation in order…

Testing, Triage and Tragedy: The Trump Pandemic

An eerie silence pervades the city, punctuated by the wail of ambulance sirens. Streets and sidewalks, which normally would be crowded with New Yorkers heading to restaurants, theaters and work, are now vacant. This is the epicenter of the Covid-19…

Training for teachers – Run This Way program asking for well-being aimed towards healthcare workers

Web-conference – training for teachers on well-being program Run This Way school offers a well-being program for students. The reflections and meditations are aimed at healthcare workers who are currently fighting the COVID-19 virus. Run This Way partnered with the Pressenza,…

Concerted Crisis Efforts: Hands of The Workers

The evident message of COVID-19 to many who have recognized it before, remains how connected we all are. As the world watches and absorbs mixed messages, reality for society’s fabric – the people – becomes one of questions and a…

Canadian workers affected by COVID-19 will received $2000 per month

“The Canada emergency response benefit provides $2,000 per month for the next four months for workers who lose their income as a result of COVID-19,” said Prime minister Justin Trudeau. (Global and Mail) Almost one million Canadians joined the unemployment…

An Opportunity to Twist Human History

By Natalia Sierra Humanity is experiencing exceptional times, not only because of the difficult health situation we face as a global society, but also because of the abrupt changes in our way of life – more modern for some, less…

The OTHER Virus That Is About To Spread

The same basic mechanisms that were set in motion in 2008 are being set in motion again, even more strongly now in 2020, to confront the effects of the spreading of the COVID-19 virus. Namely, huge sums of capital are…

Peru: Everything changed in 10 days…

By Madeleine John Only two weeks ago the state was synonymous with bureaucracy, inefficiency, and corruption. With all the last presidents in prison under house arrest, with extradition orders or suicides, the disbelief in the political class was total. Last…

All Rise: A Board Certified Chaplain Speaks Her Mind & Heart

This was shared today on a Facebook forum in which I am a participant. The post is from a Board Certified Chaplain whose job it is to be in hospitals, to visit, comfort, and serve patients within the institution and…

The UBI After the Coronavirus

By Jhon Sánchez Before the Coronavirus outbreak, the first reaction I heard from people when I explained to them about the Universal Basic Income was, “Is this communism?” My listeners seemed to enter in a trance-like state as if they…

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