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The Elite’s COVID-19 Coup Against a Terrified Humanity: Resisting Powerfully

I have previously explained how the COVID-19 infection is being used to frighten us into submitting powerlessly to the global elite’s latest move to take much greater control of our lives and how those who can perceive this, and wish…

The Others, the Invisible Victims of the Coronavirus.

By Gustavo Espinoza “Hispanics, who make up 29% of New York’s population, account for 34% of deaths from COVID-19; likewise the black community accounts for 28% of deaths despite representing 22% of the population. This is a clear sign of…

“If Julian Assange is extradited, it’s the end of the rule of law in the West” Eva Joly (Interview)

By Jérôme Duval for MrMondialisation Last March, one of our journalists had the opportunity to speak with Eva Joly, a lawyer and former Member of Parliament, about the details of the Assange case, as she herself knows the main protagonist…

Exit Global Wars, Enter Coronavirus

by Achala Moulik  For now, political and ideological differences are being sunk to outwit a common enemy. Will it last? The war against Coronavirus, paradoxically, has made friends out of foes while waging war on the now common and powerful…

Are we Before the Possible ‘Awakening’ of Mankind?

A door has been opened and it is worthy to work on a new impulse for the humanization of the world. If we can be silent in this isolation, perhaps we will advance towards the awakening of the human being,…

In the first person: my experience with the Covid-19 in pictures

By Juan Carlos Marín From March 16 to April 8, the day I was able to return home, I went through a process of hospitalization as a consequence of having been infected with Covid-19 or Coronavirus, which I could not…

COVID-19: The Wrath of the gods?

Mythological stories are rich with narratives referring to the grave sins of man, heaping down the wrath of the gods upon them in the form of floods, plague, fire and famine. Sometimes these crimes were perpetrated against the natural order…

How Did We End Up Here?

Every day, all day long, we are bombarded with updates and analyses about COVID-19, a virus that has stopped our one and only planet from “turning.” The whole world is on lockdown and almost everything has been shut down: businesses,…

Covid-19: Independent Media is Antidote to Chaos, Don’t Censor it

by Gautam Navlakha  An independent media and alert citizenry should not be suppressed, abused or slighted. The Tablighi Jamaat congregation at Nizamuddin West in Delhi in March has emerged as the biggest viral spreader of Covid-19 and highlights the failure…

1000 Ventilators Donated by China Arrived at JFK in NYC

New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo announced Saturday that the Chinese government had donated 1,000 ventilators to the state to help manage its ongoing coronavirus crisis there, in what has become the center of the disease’s outbreak in the United States.…

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