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Interview with Humanist Social Reformer Tony Robinson

Our humanity is facing one of the most profound challenges we have ever faced. We find ourselves in uncharted territory, as COVID-19 has put in question everything that we currently know and believe. In a few months the world has changed like never before and will continue to change drastically…

A Commonality

By Luca DiMatteo I usually write blogs that share a conglomeration of information on a topic I come across, but this is more of an op-ed observation mixed with some insight. As the number of COVID-19 articles begins to decrease,…

Technological Volunteering?

In these times of emergency, volunteering has seen a peak of “infected” perhaps equal to that of the pandemic. Or perhaps the media have also dealt for a while with this phenomenon that has always existed and has always been…

Jack Dorsey Donates $5 Million to Andrew Yang’s Basic Income Fund

Jack Dorsey, the billionaire CEO of Twitter and mobile-payment company Square, is giving $5 million to Humanity Forward, a group launched by former Democratic presidential candidate Andrew Yang, to help fund microgrants to those out of a job during the…

Still Chewing

By R.W. Anton It came out of nowhere, a throbbing, aching, thunderously obnoxious pain in the bottom right half of my jaw. As I was biting down on a delicious grilled chicken sandwich that I’d purchased from the deli just…

Conversation with Jaime Manrique

By Jhon Sánchez Jaime Manrique lives around the corner of the AIDS monument in the West Village. As soon as I entered his apartment, I saw the poster of the book-cover of “No One Writes to the Colonel” by Gabriel García Márquez,…

Important Statements in the 1st Day of the 73rd World Health Assembly

During the first day of the 73rd World Health Assembly[1] that took place through a teleconference based in Geneva, lots of leaders of states and heads of other Organizations made important statements backing the 7 pages draft resolution[2] proposed by…

Tomás Hirsch: why I signed the letter submitted by Bernie Sanders to the International Monetary Fund and the World Bank

Together with hundreds of MPs from all over the world, I signed the letter submitted by Senator Bernie Sanders to the leaders of the International Monetary Fund and the World Bank to ask these financial institutions to annul, cancel, eliminate the…

Ellen ‘t Hoen on the initiative of a global patent pool to combat covid-19

Ellen ‘t Hoen, is a lawyer who has been advocating for public health issues for more than 30 years, specializing in policies related to the pharmaceutical industry and intellectual property. She has worked as a consultant to governments, international organizations…

A New World Is Possible … If We Act Collectively Now!

By Mauricio Alvarez Our planet is in a process of accelerated degradation which could lead to the collapse of our civilization, if we do not take collective action now. Despite the recent increase in publications on this subject, the origin…

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