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Shiraz: A Romance of India

SHIRAZ: A ROMANCE OF INDIA A film directed by Franz Osten A British, German and Indian co-production With actors Himansu Rai, Enakshi Rama Rau, Charu Roy, Seeta Devi A 1928 Indian silent film with music and English intertitles Meticulously restored…

Universal Basic Income, ie for Everyone.

This article continues a series that will attempt to briefly explain the different aspects of the Universal Basic Income (UBI) proposal. To see the full series of articles published on this same subject, click here. As the name suggests, the…

Crisis and the Will to Help

By Jhon Sánchez Since the first moment the coronavirus crisis started, there have been a blooming of organizations, mutual funds, or groups of neighbors who get together to help the unemployed, the undocumented, or the disabled. People have different motivations…

The Space In Between

by Marites Guingona-Africa In this in-between place of quarantine, our lives have been put on hold. For so many weeks we have waited and wondered when we can go out and return to our normal lives again, when we can…

Oleg Bodrov: Rosatom has agreements to build 36 nuclear power plants outside of Russia

On the 23rd of May, 2020, the Abolition 2000 Global Network to Eliminate Nuclear Weapons held its Annual General Meeting online for the first time due to the coronavirus pandemic.  A large part of the meeting was dedicated to reflecting…

Protests against Beijing’s National Security Law: A View from the Ground

In spite of the Corona-virus Pandemic that has swept throughout the planet, unrest in Hong Kong has remained unabated, with news of arrested activists and contentious wrangling among lawmakers even during the lockdown which has virtually paralyzed whole cities and…

NYC Rally: Justice For George

New Yorkers massed Friday at Foley Square and the Barclays Center to protest police brutality after the death of George Floyd, who died Monday after a white Minneapolis cop pressed his knee into the 46-year-old black man’s neck. #NYC #JusticeForGeorge…

Joênia Wapichana – The First Indigenous Deputy of Brazil

Joênia Batista De Carvalho was born on April 20th,1974 in the village of Truaru Da Cabeceira, in the state or Roraima. When she was eight, she moved with her mother to the Capital Boa Vista. She enrolled to the Faculty…

My Corona Hug

By Henry Cruz New Yorkers like me have a complicated relationship with hugs. I first noticed it a few years back after this dude in Times Square holding a FREE HUGS sign gave me an insincere and awkward half-hug. Without…

Face 2 Face with Mike Ishii

On this show we are speaking with Mike Ishii from Tsuru for Solidarity, an Japanese-American organization that is fighting to close immigrant detention camps across the country. Mike invites everyone to participate in a two-day online event on June 6th…

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