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Beyond COVID-19 Aid, Ethiopia Hoists Africa’s Flag

Ethiopia, by all standards, is a reputable country in East Africa. It gains popularly from different angles. In terms of politics, Ethiopia has been touted as a country with an excellent model of democracy in Africa. For his efforts in…

The Humans and the Viruses: The World Economic Forum and the Coronaviruses

The humans and the viruses are two forms of life with parallel but different adaptive strategies. According to the abbreviated story I am offering you, our pre-hominid ancestors crossed the line separating non-human from human and became homo sapiens when…

DACA, You Can Breathe

By Jhon Sánchez I cried when I heard the news that the Supreme Court had knocked down Trump’s intentions to rescind DACA (Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals). DACA prevents deportation and grants work permits to those children who arrive in…

The Truth about the WWII from Russia’s Perspectives

As Russia prepares to mark 75th anniversary of the Soviet Union’s victory over Nazi Germany in the 1941-1945 Great Patriotic War, with a grand military parade on June 24, President Vladimir Putin has asked for a comprehensive assessment, correctness in…

Face 2 Face with James Felton Keith

On this show we speak with James Felton Keith, candidate for US Congress in NY’s 13th district, about the situation today for African-Americans and his involvement in the recent protests, and about his activism on behalf of Universal Basic Income…

Competing for Meanings

“We cannot now try to censor our past “. With these words the UK prime minister Boris Johnson warned the authorities of the 130 districts, who had decided to check and remove the monuments to people related to slavery. In…

30 Years After the Beginning of the End of Apartheid, Where is South Africa Going? Part I

February 11, 1990 the release of Nelson Mandela was announced. It was the beginning of the dismantling of the Apartheid system. The hopes for a change for the majority of the black population were high at the time. The reconciliation…

Talk. Roberta Ristow

In the midst of an uncertain scenario, during the Covid-19 pandemic, Casa da Escada Colorida invited Roberta Ristow, content creator, consultant and collaborative journalist at Vogue, to talk about innovative initiatives and the adaptation of the art market to new…

Poor People’s Campaign Action: Assembly and Moral March on Washington

On Saturday, June 20, 2020, The Poor People’s Campaign: A National Call for Moral Revival will demonstrate the power of poor people to be agents of change in not just one election, but at the very heart of this democracy. …

Interview From a Lady in Palestine on Covid-19’s Influence

Consequences of the lock down due to the pandemic in the West Bank Asil Qraini is 23 years old. She grew up and lives in the city of Nablus, in the West Bank of Palestinian territory. The group of Pressenza,…

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