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Leonard Peltier 75 Years Old, 44 Years in Prison. Indian Lives Matter? 

June 26, 1975, 45 years ago. United States, Native American reservation in South Dakora, Oglala. It is a period of enormous tension in that area; there have been frequent attacks to communities by armed gangs, the GOONS, formed by a…

May Force and Love Be with Us

The 18th June, Pressenza France published an article with the title “Dismissals of workers and new normality”, which consisted basically of pictures of workers protesting in Ecuador. After the Covid-19 pandemic, the number of unemployed has increased considerably. This fact…

Universal Basic Income: Who Pays for It

Every time that someone suggests a social measure which requires an expenditure, neoliberals and fearful people immediately show up stating that “ there is no money”. This seems to be our society’s main problem: the shortage of money. But where…

The Poor People’s Campaign: A National Call for Moral Revival

Join the New York State Poor People’s Campaign Meeting on Wednesday, July 1 at 5pm In 1968, Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. and many others called for a “revolution of values” in America. They sought to build a broad,…

The Scent of India

In these times of social isolation due to coronavirus, my mind travels to India, where I once lived swathed in its jasmine perfume. I see its white sands; the sea that bathes its Goan beaches; the bluish red of its…

Return to Normality? 8 – Pia Figueroa from Pressenza

After the replies of Riccardo Noury, Laura Quagliolo, Giovanna Procacci, Giovanna Pagani, Guido Viale, Andreas Formiconi and Jorida Dervishi, it’s time to talk to Pia Figueroa, one of Pressenza’s editor. Now that we’re almost out of the Covid 19 emergency, many people say…

The Lack of Dialogue Between Palestinians and Israelis

For decades there has been an ongoing political conflict between Israel and the occupied Palestinian territories, its solution still seems to be far away. Can an open dialogue put an end to this tragedy? And how realistic is a dialogue…

Immigration: Roberts’ Emotion about DACA “Betrays” Trump

“Since 2012, DACA recipients have enrolled in degree programs, embarked on careers, started businesses, purchased homes, and even married and had children, all in reliance on the DACA.” That’s how U.S. Supreme Court Chief Justice John Roberts, writing for the…

…It’s Time: March, March

Many have noted that the era in which we live has uncanny parallels to our historical past. As a teenager in the 60s, I remember the American unrest during that period. Reading about it in from different points of view…

At the Hospital Bedside

Nurses, health care workers, radiology technicians, geriatricians, anesthetists, M.D. specialists in Intensive Care and infectious diseases. All hospital staff took part in the demonstrations occurred throughout France, where more than 220 meetings took place for the National Mobilization Day organized…

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