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The World Does Not End Everyday

Illustration by Vitor Vanes I have already lived many ends of stories, cycles, relationships. Revolutions that change those who sit at the decision table, new loves that change the geography of our bodies. Every day in our lives, a new…

Belarus, Historic Moment: The Supreme Court Cancels a Death Sentence

On June 30th the Supreme court of Belarus has upheld Viktar Skrundzig’s appeal by cancelling his death sentence issued three months earlier by the Slukts City Court and by arranging a review of his case and a retrial. Skrundzig was…

Pressenza launches its documentary “The Beginning of the End of Nuclear Weapons” on YouTube

The launch coincides with the 3rd anniversary of the date on which the UN agreed on the text of the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons (TPNW) The documentary is available in 10 languages 12 more countries are required…

Ending Mass Unemployment and Poverty

The causa causans Keynes identified in a passage cited in the previous note was investment*. Investment by profit-seeking investors is regarded as the source of employment. If it stops, employment, stops. At least that is true when one sees the…

Igbo Women Seek Biafra, Voice Nigeria’s Bleak Future

Nigeria is one of the largest by territory with population (estimated currently at 206 million) and huge economy in Africa. Situated on the southern coast on the Gulf of Guinea in the Atlantic Ocean, this country most often referred to…

Donor Conference Boosts Sudan’s Economic Reconstruction

By Kester Kenn Klomegah During several years of Omar al-Bashir administration, Sudan’s economy was largely shattered due to political tyranny, deep-seated corruption and poor policies. According to the Corruptions Perception Index, Sudan is one of the most corrupt nations in…

With the Pandemic, the Time Has Come to Put Limits on Private Property

Today the world is fighting a pandemic. Sooner or later the health issue will be resolved, but the economic consequences will be devastating, perhaps worse than those of the collapse of 1929, if a global recovery plan and a global…

1772 A Slave with Due Process. 2020 Refugees Without it

By Jhon Sánchez In 1772, James Somerset was a slave brought to England by his owner Charles Stewart. Somerset managed to escape but later was apprehended and put into custody. Based on the habeas corpus petition, Somerset asked for his…

Panel Discussion LIVE 07/02: What Will It Take for Black Lives to Really Matter?

Thursday, July 2nd 5 PM: Online Panel Discussion Broadcasted LIVE on Facebook and Youtube Watch it live here on July 2nd at 5 PM (NY time):  Everyone is recognizing the current moment as a unique opportunity for African-Americans to…

June 26-27, 2010, the Landing, the Ship of Rights, From Barcelona to Genoa.

A tribute – 10 years later. The idea of ​​”The landing” was born a year earlier: a ship of Italian expats declared their love for the country they had left and wanted to take part in one of those resistance…

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