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Ecuador: obstacles for Rafael Correa and his party to participate in next year’s elections

On July 20, the National Electoral Council of Ecuador announced the suspension of four political organizations and with it, their inability to participate in next year’s general elections. One of the suspended organizations is Fuerza Compromiso Social, an organization under…

Braking Climate Change With a Mini Solar System: Do We Have to Become Solar Guerrillas?

Of course we all know that a lot has to change on this earth so that humans and animals have a viable future on this planet. In order to achieve this goal, you can and must bring about a system…

The Power of Suggestion

The power of suggestion plays a large part in our lives. Those suggestions come from every side of every fence. By Luca DiMatteo I had been thinking about this for a few days when, during a card game with some…

The Moment of Truth for BRICS:

Challenges, Opportunities and the Way Forward By Kester Kenn Klomegah As already known, BRICS is an association of five major emerging economies: Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa. South Africa joined the association in 2010. The BRICS has a…

Peace Deal in Colombia: A Pending Task

By Zenaida Espinosa and Jorge Escobar Banderas Almost four years have passed since the peace deal signed between the Colombian government and FARC former guerrillas. In the meantime many changes have been fostered, although there are still many debts unpaid,…

Interview with Paulina Hunt: “Against the violence of inequality, mutual support and organizing”

We interviewed humanist actress Paulina Hunt, who in mid march, when the Coronavirus confinement started in Chile, joined a network of neighbors in the La Reina commune. The amount of solidary activities kicked off by this network stand out as…

Trigger Fingers, Nuclear NATO, and Building Back Better

With our newspapers and press reports focused on the deadly explosion of covid-19 infections across the country and Trump inflating threats by posed China in his desperate effort to avoid defeat in November, the U.S/NATO nuclear weapons build up across…

Trump Doesn’t Like You

By Henry Cruz Our current Commander in Chief has been calling people that look like me bad hombres.   For a Nerd like me, that’s an upgrade. (I’m strongly considering tattooing bad hombre over my belly). I can also see in…

Is There an Alternative to 5G?

We have recently met with great pleasure Gunter Pauli, economist, entrepreneur and successful author, former professor at the Polytechnic of Turin with the task of providing the cultural basis of the systemic design approach, known above all for being the…

Colombia. #StopTheGenocide  [#QuePareElGenocidio]

As of the writing of this article  (7/09), Colombia has reached 161 assassinations of community leaders in 2020, the latest being Gentil Pasos’s. Presently, the average is of three to four murders per week . Just on June 27th, the…

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