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Feminists Protests in Chile

With cacerolazos (pots and pans protest), canvases, protest signs and panflets handed out by the subway exit Chile protested today against the the city of Temuco’s court, which only ruled house arrest for Martín Pradenas, who is indicted for sexual…

SOS Galápagos

Yearly, local communities in Galápagos and other protected tropical areas earn millions of dollars of income through the thousands of scuba divers, who come to swim with whale sharks, stingrays and other marine megafauna. By Lucas Bustamante (text and pictures)…

Greta the Great is Back

On August 20, Swedish climate activist Greta Thunberg and three other teen activists had a 90-minute meeting with German Chancellor Angela Merkel to press their demands for tougher action to curb climate change. Germany currently holds the six-month rotating presidency…

The 2nd Meeting of Global Networks is Approaching

As we have already published, next Saturday, August 29th¹ we will meet, in an open meeting, members of 9 global networks, to promote mutual understanding and the possibility of collective action. With this article, we offer documents of the networks²,…

Cut U.S. Military Budget in Order to Afford Another Stimulus Package

By Deseri Tsepetis Your favorite local businesses are reopening. Maybe even the local restaurant you’ve been ordering takeout from is finally allowing you to sit down and have your favorite meal. Americans have been impacted greatly by Covid-19, and the…

Canadian Prime Minister Mackenzie King Opens the Atomic Pandora’s Box

August 19 was the anniversary of the signing of the historic Quebec Agreement by President Roosevelt and Prime Minister Churchill in Quebec City in 1943 for the joint development of the atom bomb by the U.S., the United Kingdom and…

Mozambique Signs the Nuclear Weapons Prohibition Treaty

Mozambique is the 83rd country to sign the Nuclear Weapons Prohibition Treaty promulgated by the UN in July 2017. The treaty has already been ratified by 44 countries, 50 of which are needed for it to enter into force, declaring…

Getting Control of Belarus is a Big Deal for the White-West

Every mainstream media outlet is covering the protests contesting the elections results in Belarus. Could this be the new Ukraine? Maybe not, but it is definitely a continuation of the White-West’s attempts to get closer to Russia’s border. Last week…

Second Meeting of Global Networks

Dear friends, we invite you to the 2nd Virtual Meeting for Multiconvergence of Global Networks 29th August 2020 (Saturday 16th to 18:30h, Paris time)   Objectives To discuss the possibilities of deepening the articulation of our networks.A first proposal to…

An Insight into Issues Creating Tension in Nigeria

By Kester Kenn Klomegah As a successful Igbo business entrepreneur residing in Swaziland, the southern tip of Africa, Kenneth Onyekachi Ihemekwele has a clear logical mind, practical approach to solving problems and a drive to see things through to full-fledged…

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