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The World Center for Humanist Studies launches a campaign to endorse the Humanist Document

“Throughout history, human beings have been the protagonists of many revolutions in many fields. These evolutionary, non-linear leaps have occurred at times when social organization and current values were no longer able to respond to the needs of growing human…

Coexistence: The discourse of Tradition and the Present: The Echoes of Foreigners

The exhibition is based on the proposition of ‘the echoes of foreigners.’ It portrays the gap between the geographical and psychological state of refugee artists, who are like floating islands. Moreover, we present a new concept of refugee stories that…

This is What We Really Need. ASAP

Our “modern” society is facing many challenges, each one as important as the next: the environment, economy, violence, health, education, security, energy, food, concentration of capital, unemployment, etc. It seems every social leader and politician has plans to respond to…

Chile’s Constitutional Referendum: The post-dictatorship generation is unafraid of change

Maxine Lowy (i) With the national referendum on the constitution just days away, young people of Huechuraba, born, like their municipality, in the dawn of post-dictatorship gauge the historic moment Chile is about to experience. Huechuraba, in northern Santiago, nestled…

Bolivia: Democratic Election Processes are not Afraid of Observers from Abroad

This is what every serious citizen thought until he read that, even before the team of observers from PROGRESSIVE INTERNATIONAL set foot in La Paz, Bolivia, in view of the upcoming elections, they were receiving threats. And if the current…

A Story of Empowerment, Growth and Hope

This story could be a classic example of entrepreneurship, one that we see all the time on TV screens, especially in bank advertisements that offer easy credit, but it is much more than that: it contains empowerment, training and, above…

Rights from the Beginning: New Challenges for Early Education from a Integral Perspective

Rights from the beginning is the slogan coined by the World Organization for Early Childhood Education – OMEP – which works in association with the Latin American Campaign for the Right to Education – CLADE – since a few years…

COVID-19 People’s lives have been sacrificed to the economic interests of the dominant powers

They have once again failed to give priority to human beings, to life, over the economic interests of the “lords of the world” who, over the last 50 years, have done nothing but steal and destroy life on Earth. Friday…

Youth Encounter opens Regional Assembly of the Latin American Campaign for the Right to Education

With a brief ceremony with the Nahual, for the understanding and protection of the attending community, and the opening words of Nelsy Lizarazo, the General Coordinator of the Latin American Campaign fort he Right to Education (CLADE), the XI Regional…

We Demand respect for judicial independence in Colombia

Today, Colombian democracy is facing one of its most difficult moments. The President of the Republic and the Government party are carrying out an aggressive campaign against rights, the balance of powers, the Courts, and judicial independence; dangerously advancing towards…

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