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Radical neoliberalism was born and will die in Chile

By Patricio Zamorano From Washington DC A wave of Indigenous peoples supporting the Luis Arce-David Choquehuanca presidential ticket defeated the main right-wing candidate, Carlos Mesa by 20 points, restoring democracy to Bolivia, and despite the fact that the right-wing forces…

Fantasmas: Puerto Rican Tales of the Dead Conversation with Charlie Vazquez

By Jhon Sánchez In 2010, I met Charlie during Festival de la Palabra, a Puerto Rican celebration of Hispanic literature in New York and San Juan. By 2015, Charlie edited two of my essays published in Bronx Memoir Project, as…

Selectively Unwalking the Path of History

I would like to help you out.   Which way did you come in? I would like to suggest a way to make the impossible possible, starting from the premise that the basic juridical principles and cultural premises of the global…

Bolivia: Movimiento Al Socialismo’s victory against the coup and the right- wing

Justice is finally done! After a year of the coup, the Bolivian people have once again expressed their will against neoliberalism, its policies and economic interests aimed at destroying their country. The election results arrived at one a.m., after several…

Edward Snowden is Granted Permanent Residence in Russia

Russia has given a permanent residence permit to Edward Snowden, the National Security Agency public interest informant. Edward Snowden has been living in exile in Russia since 2013 when he disclosed the American secret services’ programs of massive surveillance. The…

Post-Plebiscite in Huechuraba, Chile: Votes Cast for Dignity for a Community and a Country

By Maxine Lowy (i) Less than thirty minutes before polls closed, and another half hour before the first official count, increasing numbers of people circulated along the sidewalks of Huechuraba, heading for the Civic Plaza, a vast open space where…

Tomás Hirsch on Plebiscite in Chile: “The relationship between support for a new constitution and demand for social justice is clear”

According to the analysis made by the Chilean humanist deputy, Tomás Hirsch, of the results of the plebiscite held on October 25 that leads the Latin American country to a constituent process. In this interview, Hirsch reviews the participation data,…

Face 2 Face with Tomas Hirsch

This show is broadcast live on October 27 at 3 PM EST On this show we are speaking with Tomas Hirsch, member of Acción Humanista, about Chileans vote to draft a new constitution in a referendum on Sunday, beginning a…

Science & The Arts: A Call for Climate Action to the Global Community

Six years ago, I was in search of meaningful, inspirational films for my high school Italian class. A series of contacts allowed me to meet a powerhouse couple in Rome, Italy during a planned school trip. Paolo Bianchini and Paola…

Youth and Adult Education was the theme of this week’s CLADE Assembly

CLADE’s Regional Assembly panel, which took place virtually this Tuesday 27 October as it has been every week, allowed reflecting on the context and proposals of Youth and Adult Education (EPJA from Spanish) looking forward to the VII International Conference…

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