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Storm clouds gather over Ethiopia

The armed conflict which began on 4 November 2020 between the central government of Ethiopia and the semi-autonomous province of Tigray—bordering Eritrea and Sudan—has raised fears of a wider conflict.  Hundreds of people have already been killed, and the United…

A triumphant return to power for Bolivia’s social movements

By Leonardo Flores Tens of thousands of people took to the streets in Bolivia on November 8 to celebrate the inauguration of President Luis Arce. They would celebrate again the next day, as former president Evo Morales re-entered the country…

Public Education at Risk: Privatization, Financing and Teachers

This was the theme of the fifth virtual public event, organized by the Latin American Campaign for the Right to Education (CLADE), the Venezuelan Forum for the Right to Education (FOVEDE), the Salvadoran Network for the Right to Education (RESALDE),…

Developments in the much needed Covid-19 vaccine

Yesterday’s announcement by Pfizer (American interests) and BionTech (German interests) created waves in the international race to find a vaccine. An early analysis of the results showed that people who received two doses of the vaccine over a period of…

Is the generational gap a hurdle in unifying the Korean peninsula?

as reported by Bereket Alemayehu Just last week, we had an online global seminar on the peaceful reunification of the Korean peninsula organized by People for Successful Corea Reunification (PSCORE), an organization in special consultative status with the UN Economic…

There is another way to be human

In the modern world, we no longer even notice that our entire life consists only of dependencies. It starts right after birth. The toddler should go to kindergarten as soon as possible. What should be learned there: to be assertive,…

Trump is Gone, but Trumpism Remains

By Roberto Savio Now it is clear that Joe Biden is the new president of the United States. It is unlikely that Donald Trump’s legal manoeuvring will change the election results, as when a conservative Supreme Court in 2000 decided in…

Everything Will Fundamentally Change

In June 2019, Joe Biden promised wealthy so-called donors that nothing would fundamentally change. At this moment hundreds of millions of people — from those shooting off fireworks to those ranting as though they will soon shoot up public places…

Nagorno-Karabakh: Mediation in good faith is vital

27 September 2020 marked the start of a renewed armed conflict in Nagorno-Karabakh among the forces of Azerbaijan, the Armenian-populated Republic of Artsakh, and Armenia.  The conflict has provoked a loss of life and the destruction of civilian property.  Of…

Sit-In Demonstration at Syntagma Square in Support of the Women of Poland

October 31; 12 noon. At Syntagma Square, four girls from Poland who live in Greece, studying or working here for the past few years, invited Athenians (via social media) to participate in a sit-in protest to express their support for…

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