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CLADE’s final declaration

After a reflection process carried out through seven thematic virtual meetings and the subsequent systematization of the contents that emerged, in order to evaluate and ponder them in intense work days developed through assemblies also virtually during this last week,…

MSF welcomes EU pharmaceutical strategy but challenges key intellectual property issue

Geneva, 25 November 2020 – MSF’s Access Campaign welcomes the European Commission’s (EC)pharmaceutical strategy for Europe and its objective on improving access to affordable medicines and medical tools through increased transparency and a review of its intellectual property (IP) incentives…

Women Peacebuilders As a Key Resource in the OSCE Region

Mutual learning from ongoing conflicts is a challenge for women to participate equally in conflict resolution and the defense of rights. Women in the region are fully aware of the continuity of “political confrontations”, the latest was experienced between Armenia…

Multiconvergence: next actions

The 13 global networks that currently make up a process of Multiconvergence – in which they commit to get to know and support each other and, take action together – are preparing at this time to finalize an OPEN LETTER…

When will vaccines be available in China? At what price?

Today (november 20th), the Joint Prevention and Control Mechanism of the Chinese State Council held a press conference. Relevant authorities from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Ministry of Science and Technology, National Health Commission, State Food and Drug Administration (SFDA),…

Drones using new technology to predict volcanic eruptions

These drones, specially designed and equipped by an international team led by University College London (UCL), will predict future volcanic eruptions better. Cutting-edge research is being carried out on the volcanic island of Manam in Papua New Guinea and is…

Hong Kong: the High Court criticizes the police forces’ behaviour

Despite the rapidly worsening situation in terms of human rights, Hong Kong overtakes Italy in about one thing: police officers can be identified by appropriate alphanumeric codes. They tend to hide them, though. On November 19th, the High Court stated…

Liberty of Thought, Conscience, Religion, and Belief

25 November is the anniversary date of the United Nations Declaration on the Elimination of All Forms of Intolerance and of Discrimination Based on Religion and Belief.  The Declaration of 25 November 1981 builds upon Article 18 of the Universal…

Education for peace and non-violence in times of crisis

Doris Balvín, senior researcher at the New Civilization Humanist Studies Center in Lima, Peru and a specialist in social ecology, spoke with Pressenza about education for peace and non-violence in times of social and ecological crisis. Pressenza: Could education contribute…

Towards a new culture: reconciliation as a liberating experience

By Susana Chialina* The so called countries and their different constitutions come from thousands of years of obsolete social models and systems. They are archaic, discriminating and violent and have shaped a revengeful type of culture which today is deeply…

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