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“Santiago is crying out for a territorial government with a horizontal and libertarian outlook” Helmut Kramer, Candidate for Mayor of Santiago

The heat and the cold have that thing of inevitable denunciation of the unjust. When a city burns or freezes, inequality emerges and there is no way to hide it. The summer in Santiago de Chile, in addition to boiling…

Colombia: UN Security Council Backs Peace

The member countries of the United Nations Security Council reiterated their support for the Comprehensive System of Truth, Justice, Reparation and Non-Repetition in Colombia, during the presentation of the quarterly report of the UN Verification Mission on the implementation of…

Juan Guzmán Tapia: A Coherent Man

Over the years, the impossible becomes reality: Juan Guzmán does justice. At the cost of cutting his judicial career short, at the cost of losing promotions and opportunities typical of that office, but with the advantage of receiving, as few…

Humanist Perspectives on Health: “The end of physical life and death”.

By Victor Piccininni A humanist looks at the end of life and death. A few paragraphs to define a theme that covers millions of pages in the literature of different cultures and civilizations. Let’s try. A look, as opposed to…

Julian Assange tortured to give governments and army the freedom to kill

Tonight I received a letter that Fabio wrote and addressed to some English politicians. We reworked it together making it an open letter addressed to those who, in various ways, are involved in the dramatic situation of Julian Assange: to…

URBANA: The Public Spaces of Athens from a Gender Perspective

     “Together, although far apart, we decided to analyze the neighbourhoods we found ourselves in during the new quarantine from the perspective of gender and inclusion, using the tools and  methods of feminist urban planning we became familiar with…

The Global Campaign for Education (GCE) One Billion Voices for Education Campaign Launch

The COVID- 19 pandemic is affecting the education of more than one billion people. It is also worsening the existing global education financing crisis thereby impacting the progress of the entire Sustainable Development Agenda and specifically Sustainable Development Goal 4…

How I Learned to Stop Loving the Bomb and Signed on to the TPNW

By David Rothauser, film director and writer, known for Hibakusha, Our Life to Live (2010) and The Diary of Sacco and Vanzetti (2004).  Growing up in America I loved the Atomic bomb. I was told by adults that the bomb…

Why the Treaty Banning Nuclear Weapons Makes a Difference

By Ward Wilson, historian and author of “5 Myths about Nuclear Weapons”. The Treaty for the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons (TPNW) goes into effect on January 22, 2021. Most Americans haven’t heard of it. It’s a treaty that prohibits the…

Living in Turbulent Times: College Students’ Reactions to Recent Challenges in America

By Rebecca Diers – SUNY Cortland For the past several months, Americans have faced numerous challenges in regards to politics and how American citizens feel the country should be run. These recent events have been incited by both Republicans and…

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