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Women who Build the Future: Gemma Bird

Started on March 8, International Women’s Day, Pressenza is publishing a series of video interviews entitled “Women who build the future, Towards a nonviolent culture ”. In this interview Anna Polo speaks with Gemma Bird, Senior Lecturer in Politics and International…

Hibakusha- Japan’s peaceful warriors awarded a Peace Prize

The International Peace Bureau, IPB awarded the Sean MacBride Peace Prize to the Japanese organization HIDANKYO who launched the International Signature Campaign in Support of the Appeal of the Hibakusha for the Elimination of Nuclear Weapons. The award ceremony was…

The reinvention of Maria

Poetry       Yesterday while I was sleeping in the dark Many voices stalked my tranquility And the fire inside me burned my hope   Screams of hatred erased my memory Among the shadows of monsters he drew me…


POEM           For growing old For filling –rather spilling—out For the karma of going unnoticed For a rate of success with men since age 48 of: record negative double digits …and still falling (oh my god)…


POEM           I know all too well that living often seems to bring nothing but grief. Nevertheless on this extraordinary day I give thanks, and thanks, and more thanks because somehow for no reason at all…

When the Stars Descend from the Heavens

POEM             Each day that comes into our lives Brings some beauty and some sorrows too.   With the sun in its sky And the ground beneath our feet   There, we go on With…

Syria: The Start of a Long Night of Sorrow

On 13 March 2011 in Dara’a, in the south of Syria, 15 teenage boys were arrested by Syrian security police for having written hostile graffiti against President Bashar Al-Assad on a school wall. The arrests led to non-violent protests in…

Building a Planetary Citizen’s Parliament

Growing slowly, but steadily, the Multiconvergence of Global Networks continues to build bridges and promote common actions. Continuing our engagement at the World Social Forum in January, we are now planning a new meeting on March 27 to advance the…

Consideraciones clave para el activismo hoy: charla de apertura para una conferencia nocturna sobre resistencia

  Reproducción de la charla que dio Lieven de Cauter [9] en la apertura del acto “una conferencia nocturna sobre el activismo”.   Tenemos que aprender a mirar la historia de los movimientos de protesta como olas u oleadas. Tenemos…

Are Two Off Days Enough to Satisfy Students’ Mental Health?

By Rebecca Diers – SUNY Cortland Before the spring semester started at SUNY Cortland, administrators announced that there will be no spring break this year because of Covid-19. In an attempt to still give students some sort of break, they…

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