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Istanbul is not the city anymore to stand for the Istanbul Convention

In autumn 2020, we at the Women’s International League for Peace and Freedom from European sections, approached governments, the Council of Europe and EU parliamentarians, alarmed by the announcement of Poland’s Minister of Family, Labour and Social Policy, Marlena Maląg,…

Women who Build the Future: Alexia Tsouni

Started on March 8, International Women’s Day, Pressenza is publishing a series of video interviews entitled “Women who build the future, Towards a nonviolent culture ”. In this interview Marianella Kloka speaks with Alexia Tsouni from Greece. Alexia is an activist…

Despite the pandemic-related challenges, Russia progresses with vaccination at home and abroad

President Vladimir Putin has praised the entire healthcare system, and particularly the hard-working team of scientists and specialists from different institutions for their efforts at research and creating a series of coronavirus vaccines for use against the coronavirus both at…

Who are we? Where are we going? How will we get there?

It may help to precede my answers with a methodological remark, starting from Heidegger`s Jedes Fragen ist ein Suchen (Every question is a seeking). (Sein und Zeit (Being and Time), on or near p. 5 in every German or English…

Biden’s strategic patience and Kim Jong-Un’s strategic patience are meeting

US Secretary of State Anthony Blinken and Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin of the Joe Biden administration visited Japan and South Korea last week. On his way home, Blinken stopped in Alaska to meet with high-ranking Chinese officials. White House security…

Cuban Vaccine Ready in July. Interview with the Cuban Ambassador to the Czech Republic

Mr Danilo Alonso Mederos, Cuban ambassador in Prague, gave us this interview on the subject of the Covid-19 pandemic, vaccines and the right to health. All over the world there is a struggle to win the Covid-19 pandemic. There are…

Invitation: Parliament of Planetary Citizenship

The discussion about the need to create a global governance of the common Earth starting from the peoples has been going on for a long time. Initiatives in this direction already exist and are very welcome. Saturday, 03/27/2021 02:00 PM…

Nuclear fuel buried 108 feet from the sea

“The most toxic substance on Earth is separated from exposure to society by ½” of steel encased in a canister.” (Blanch) That eye-opener comes from renowned nuclear expert Paul Blanch in reference to spent fuel rods removed from the San…

The Myanmarese migrants’ voice in South Korea

On the day of the annual observance for the 2021 International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination, an important event was held in Seoul, Korea. The day was observed and celebrated on March 21, 2021, urging the Korean government…

Chronicle of the Ordinary Giants n°1

A few days ago, on March 11, we celebrated the “1 year” of our global and official entry into the pandemic (subsequently qualified as an epidemic, that’s another story). When I say “we”, it is really us, all humans, humanity. One year…

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