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R2P Myanmar: Responsibility to Protect Myanmar

An international humanist initiative calls for solidarity with the people of Myanmar and asks to support and spread the protest campaign against the violence of the military regime in Myanmar. Dear humanist friends! We ask you to join the protest…

Chile: a Rebellion that Continues

It seemed that nothing would ever happen in this country. Pinochet’s dictatorship, by far the most astute, calculating and efficient of all, sought not only to combat the left and any dissent, but also to reformat the soul of Chile,…

The European Council against the trade in instruments of torture

On March 31, the Committee of Ministers of the European Council adopted a formal recommendation by which the 47 member states will effectively fight the trade in torture equipment. The recommendation, long solicited by Amnesty International and Omega Research Foundation,…

Selective perception

About 500 children and teenagers cross the northern border every day. One of the great violations of rights against children and youth is perpetrated before the eyes of the world, without generating the slightest act of compensation or the urgent…

Collateral Crucifixion – Pressuring for Julian Assange’s Release!

With the title “Collateral Crucifixion”, the artist duo Captain Borderline has completed this motif as a giant maximum Assange mural in Berlin on a complete house facade directly in front of the Willy Brandt House in Holy Week. The artist…

Cuba: the embargo, the vaccine, the right to health and the white rose

A few days ago I met with Alonso Mederos, the Cuban Ambassador in Prague, for an interview on the topic of the pandemic and vaccines. Cuba is working intensively, testing five vaccines, two of which are already in phase III.…

George Floyd Facing the White-West

Before the trial began, Floyd family attorney Ben Crump blasted the idea that the trial would be a tough test for jurors. “We know that if George Floyd was a white American citizen, and he suffered this painful, tortuous death…

Manifesto of the Saharawi people in defense of their natural resources

The international campaign, Western Sahara is not for sale (WSNS), has published a manifesto asking for support from the international community. Support the manifesto through the following link: MANIFESTO “Our country, our resources: STOP the exploitation of Western Sahara’s natural…

Balancing Trust and Ethics: A Need for Today or A Trend of the Past?

Ethics can play a major role in our society. Without moral principles, professionals such as those in medicine, education, and media may harm the patients, students, clients, etc. who they have obligations to. While ethical behavior in different professions pertain…

We support two European Citizens’ Initiatives: Basic Income and No Profit on Pandemic

The European Commission has several technocratic ways of consulting with EU citizens. It also has several ways, again technocratically, to apply pressure to have certain issues (which citizens believe are not being adequately acted upon) discussed and on which a…

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