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UBI4ALL: a self-funded pilot project

A European initiative invites us to crowdfund Basic Incomes of 800 euros for one year. The lucky ones will be chosen through a raffle and then will tell us their experience and the changes in their daily lives so that…

They Want Peace, Justice and Democracy in Myanmar

The nonviolence fight with a strong hope, but they need our support By Claus Kiaer More than 20 years ago I was attempting traveling to Myanmar for the first time. For 8 years I tried to get a visa until…

Ecuador Faces a Make-or-Break Election

In the presidential run-off election that will take place on 11 April, Ecuadorians face the choice between betting on a progressive candidate or having to put up with four years of a business oriented government, linked to finance and the…

The World Centre for Humanist Studies is organising its 8th Symposium “A New Humanism for a new world. Plural exchanges from a world in crisis”.

Interview with Daniel León, member of the organising team of the 8th International Symposium of the World Centre for Humanist Studies. From the 16th to the 18th of April, under the slogan “A New Humanism for a new world. Plural…

First GBA world artists workshop organized in Korea  

  THE ARTS         The 1st GBA art workshop was organized for world artists based in South Korea by the International Culture, Art, Sports and Tourism committee in Global Business Alliance aka GBA, a unique non-profit business…

Interview with Luca DiMatteo: Author of Green Haven

INTERVIEW         by Jhon Sanchez Even though I met Luca two or three years ago, it seems that it has been for a longer time. My friend Justin Sight, the magician, kept talking about Luca’s spiritual search…

The story of the Iranian new year, Nowruz, and why its themes of renewal and healing matter

ANCESTRAL CULTURE         by Pardis Mahdavi As the days grow longer and the flowers start to bloom, my 5-year-old gets excited and exclaims, “Nowruz is coming.” Nowruz – or “new day” in English – is the Iranian…

Holy Week in the Philippines: An Enduring Christian/FolkTradition

FEATURE       Writeup by Erlie Lopez/Photography by Orlando V Sionosa Jr. The Holy Week ending today in the whole Christendom speaks volumes on Filipinos. Until the surge in Covid-19 cases in the country necessitated strict restrictions on mass…

Was There Ever a Woman Pope

POINT OF VIEW       It Can be Possible. A question related to that is, could a woman successfully disguise herself and live as a man and get away with it? If you read this book, Pope Joan, by…

Keeping the cultural heritage of Northern Kankanaey traditional potters alive

INDIGENOUS CRAFTS AND CULTURE         by Genevieve Balance-Kupang “To be rooted is perhaps one of the most important and least recognized needs of the human soul.” -Simon Weil (1987:41) Rootedness in one’s cultural heritage: Dayaw di I-Bila…

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