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Cosmic Concert for Global Astronomy Month 2021

MUSIC         Every year, April is a special month for aspiring astronomers and stargazers all over the world as it is Global Astronomy Month. So what does it feel like attending an online Cosmic Concert organized by…

Heeding Nature’s Ways

    ESSAY     By Jacqui Jill In a quiet neighborhood, in a not-so-different town, a grandfather told his grandson a story that he would always remember as he grew. The six-year-old possessed an unusual curiosity for everything and…

(Ramadan Amidst the Co-vid 19 Pandemic): An interview with Irshad Mughal

SPIRITUALITY         Continuing the series on Ramadan amidst the Co-vid 19 Pandemic, Pressenza interviewed Irshad Mughal, chairman of the Iraj Education & Development Foundation, from Lahore Pakistan. With a background in M.Phil. In International Relations and Politics…

#SOSColombia in Times Square in Photos

Rally taking place in Times Square, New York to demand an end to the horrific state violence being committed by the Duque’s government. This protest is part of a global movement in solidarity with the Colombian people all over the…

Madrid elections: the right wing wins in the best ‘Trumpist’ style

The most conservative right together with the extreme right -Partido Popular plus VOX- gets 78 deputies, compared to the 58 who have added between Mas Madrid, PSOE and Unidas Podemos. The most conservative right won in the best Trumpist and…

The US embargo against Cuba. Interview with Cuban Ambassador to the Czech Republic

For more than 60 years, a US economic embargo has hit Cuba and several UN resolutions have not been enough to put an end to these sanctions. The issue is also very topical because thanks to the numerous solidarity missions…

Also Men – My Case Against Trigger Warnings in the New School

I also was raped. The word ‘also’ shouldn’t need to be written there, but it seems necessary to make my voice heard. The word ‘also’ issues a message: Not only women are raped. I was a soldier, 17 years old,…

Designing pharmaceuticals for people – not for profit [video]

The production of medicines and vaccines as well as the massive public investments in underlying research is largely left in the hands of a profit-seeking private sector, despite the vital importance of public health, Why do covid-19 vaccines belong to…

67 Years in the Peace Movement

by John Scales Avery A new freely downloadable book I would like to announce the publication of a book which discusses the things that I have experienced during my 67 years of work in the peace movement. The book may…

A free press up to the times

May 3 is International Press Freedom Day. On this day we are used to recalling the fact that, in many places around the world, freedom of the press is violated, journalists are murdered or intimidated and the critical press sidelined…

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