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Renaming Memorial Day as Loving Life Day

Here comes the Memorial Day weekend, a propaganda opportunity for the System to promote the country’s militarization. The holiday was established following the Civil War, the costliest and deadliest war ever fought on American soil, with some 620,000 of 2.4…

The Net Zero Mirage

“Net Zero by 2050” is the rallying cry of scientists and policymakers throughout the world. However, that epithet echoes past decades of climate change/global warming mitigation plans, one after another, all failures. The world’s continuing failure to come to grips…

“There is no justice for indigenous communities. That is the reality.”

On the 11th of August of 1994, section 17 (1) of the new article 75 which recognised the pre-existing indigenous villages, their culture, and the right of occupancy and property of their ancestral lands among others, was unanimously approved by…

Pictures from the Palestinian support demonstration in London

Last weekend, approaching 200,000 people took to the streets of London and other major British cities to show their support for the Palestinian people who are facing brutal oppression in Gaza at the hands of the Israeli military. The good…

The current situation is that Israel is practically back to the new normal, but Palestine is worse than ever, with its hospitals at 100%.

Rafael Palomino, representative of the Spanish NGO Asamblea de Cooperación por la Paz. Rafael, welcome to 4 Elements. Let’s start by knowing the dimension of the new escalation of violence in the conflict between Palestine and Israel; explain to us…

74th World Health Assembly: “The Future of the Species is at Stake”

This was one of the statements which Dr. Carlos Ferreyra, Argentinian medical epidemiologist and climate activist, made in an interview which he gave to Pressenza on the occasion of the 74th World Health Assembly, and as promoter of the 1st…

Dimitris Papadimoulis: World’s Poorest Unvaccinated Can Pose Global Reinfection Threat

In the context of a series of interviews for Pressenza agency with MEPs from the European parties who vote in the European Parliament for the abolition of patents for vaccines, pharmaceuticals, and diagnostics related to the pandemic, we discuss with…

74th World Health Assembly begins

The 74th World Health Assembly, organized by the World Health Organization (WHO), will be held virtually from today, May 24, 2021, until June 1. The Assembly “will focus on the end of the COVID-19 pandemic and on the preparation for…

Chernobyl alert and the doomsday clock

Like the mythical Phoenix, Chernobyl rises from the ashes. A recent… “Surge in fission reactions in an inaccessible chamber within the complex” is alarming scientists that monitor the ruins of the Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant in Ukraine. (Source: Nuclear Reactions…

Interview with Manon Aubry: “Global health cannot be considered as a market”

The European Parliament approved by 293 votes to 284 an amendment in which “the EU is invited to support the initiative presented by India and South Africa at the World Trade Organisation, which calls for a temporary suspension of intellectual…

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