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The black identity and racism

ESSAY         by Dr. Emmanuel Sogah Introduction Table 1 – US Census Racial & Ethnic Categorization System All over the world, native Africans and People of African Descent (PAD) or people of dark skin complexion are identified…

Ode to Kabunian for Iyaman Farm

POEM (On the occasion of the World Environment Day)         by Genevieve Balance Kupang   Invigorated from a deep, sound slumber, a Sea of clouds greets refreshed eyes. How Magnificent! The Soul is overwhelmed by boundless artistry…

COVID-19 pandemic spurs multi-headed problems – An interview with Caroline Audoir de Valter of Hope for the Children Foundation

INTERVIEW         by Perfecto Caparas In this Pressenza interview, Caroline Audoir de Valter, founder and CEO of Hope for the Children Foundation, discusses how her NGO has been responding to the COVID-19 devastation that grips the people…

A cultural trip to Seoraksan National Park in observing World Environment Day

PERSONAL ACCOUNT/PHOTO ESSAY         On the same day that the world was observing the United Nations World Environment Day across the globe, there was a small number of people who gathered in Seoul to discuss social matters.…


POEM         by Erlie Lopez     there are thoughts in a walk among trees that seek to join the rustle of the leaves, and there too are words that wish to speak to the echoes on…

Getting a Covid-19 jab in the Philippines

PHOTO/REPORT         Photos by Boldy Tapales/Text by Karina Santillan The government’s CoVid 19 vaccination program in the Philippines started to roll out last March 1. First in the lineup were front liners and senior citizens, like me.…

Vicarious violence does not make a distinction among genders although the vast majority of its victims are indeed women

Among all the ways in which humans are capable of inflicting violence such as physical, economic,  racial, sexual, etc… psychological violence is perhaps the most rooted form of violence in our society. Its manifestation is subtle and invisible and that…

IACHR Delegation Arrived in Colombia

In the midst of a caravan of flags and all kinds of banners related to the situation the country has experienced during the protests of the National Strike since last April 28, citizens received the delegates of the Inter-American Commission…

Can Speaker Corey Johnson Do the Right Thing for the City and Humanity? Part 3

Today we have yet a new Treaty by nations tired of nuclear weapon states persistent delays, misinformation, and violations of agreements.  The NYC Council back then repeatedly steered us back to focusing on the dire needs of the city and…

Leaving The Matrix Part 1 – Dualism Is Dead

One Hundred Forty Years Ago About one hundred forty years ago the philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche made his infamous announcement “God is Dead”. In the century that followed, Nietzsche’s brash declaration was often misinterpreted by both scholars and the public alike.…

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