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A past of exclusion: the abuses of the Algerian regime against the Kabyle people

Independent Algeria was born in 1962. However, Kabylia, as a region is the base of a population with its own characteristics and social organization, is the product of a long history. This indigenous population, the first inhabitants to arrive in…

I’ll take care of it

POEM         If you don’t want to love I’ll take care of it I will love.   If you don’t want to smile I’ll take care of it I will smile.   If you don’t want to…

Poetry Community as a Well of Ginhawa (Well-being) in these Pandemic Times

TALK/PRESENTATION   My talk can be summed up in three things: First, the context and my experience during this pandemic time. Second, the Well of Ginhawa, and its related metaphors. And third, how I started and built this poetry community.…

A Conversation about the Criminal Justice System in Sci-fi with Matthew Baker, Author of “Life Sentence”

INTERVIEW         Once I read the short story “Life Sentence” in Lightspeed Magazine, I decided to save it to my collections of short stories I should revisit. It was 2019, and Matthew Baker was on my radar.…

Love For Living Animals: Barbary Lions Only in Captivity?

ESSAY We must safeguard the web of life and care about the other living species that we share this planet with. Pygmy tarsiers eat and host bugs that we’ve seen at home — insects, spiders, lizards, bedbugs, lice, fleas, roundworms,…

Poetic Openings in the Time of Covid 19

POETRY             <A Prelude> In the early days of the Co-vid 19 pandemic, everyone was trying to come to grips with the isolation that the lockdown imposed on almost everyone. Anxiety over the unknown was…

French pharmacy student the first winner of basic income raffle

On June 16, 2021, the first one-year basic income of 800 euros by the UBI4ALL initiative was raffled. The live online event was attended by 6,100 viewers from almost all European countries, such as Greece, Malta, Finland, the United Kingdom,…

Face 2 Face with Mel Lehman

On this show we speak with Mel Lehman founded and director of Common Humanity. Common Humanity is a non-profit organization based in New York City which seeks to build understanding, respect and friendship with the Middle East and Muslim world.…

Globalization explained by economist Helena Norberg Hodge

“Don’t leave the economy to the“ experts ”! By Fiorella Carollo In the year 1991 Helena N. Hodge published a book that has been read all around the world. With the significant title “Ancient Futures” it recounted her experience and…

Barcelona will host the Second International Peace Congress from October 15-17, 2021

Under the title “(Re)imagine our world: Action for Peace and Justice”, participants from around 70 countries will attend the meeting of the international peace movement and other social movements, with renowned activists and experts. The congress will have a hybrid…

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