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Dissent in nursing overcomes what theory does not explain

Another way of making friendship, brotherhood and nursing is possible, when we unlearn what we have learned, we question our identity, we break categorised structures of interaction, we leave academic and work time to occupy ourselves in a meeting that…

The vicissitudes of the Chilean Constitutional Convention

“And it was necessary to suffer from that peculiar disease which since 1848 has been ravaging the whole continent, parliamentary cretinism, a disease which imprisons those infected as if by enchantment in an imaginary world, depriving them of all sense,…

Woo’s Next

Newton’s Woo About three hundred years ago in 1728, Isaac Newton put forth a theory that has since become very well known. He termed this idea The Law Of Universal Gravitation.(1) The basic premise of his concept was that celestial…

Winds of change and high altitude winds: alternative solutions to the energy crisis of the Planet

Crises, whether collective or personal, test our critical sense and our ability to analyze. Distracted by the exceptionality of the event that is hitting us, we often neglect important issues, delegating to other decisions that will affect our lives. Today,…

The age of paper

As never before, broad access to knowledge and information is essential. Knowledge is power: an indisputable truth from which – since the beginning of history – all kinds of strategies have been used to deny the great majority full access…

The social and internal force of nonviolence

Interested in the situations of social upheaval that are occurring in different cities around the world, some of our friends got together to reflect on non-violent actions. We approached the subject by identifying situations in which we feel violated; we…

The Fall

POETIC PROSE The world is in turmoil and that is clear to see. The world is in turmoil, because man is in turmoil. Two sides are at war. I see it, I sense it, I feel it. This register terrifies…

Moments in Time #1: In an Igorot Hut

POEM     It is midnight. Inside an Igorot hut.   Round and dark and empty Just a platform suspended above.   We climb up and lay down.   You and I, side by side, supine. Suspended in midair. Eyes…

PEC demands relief to Burmese journalists, political prisoners, common people

MEDIA       Geneva/Guwahati: Expressing serious concerns over the latest crisis faced by the people of Myanmar (formerly Burma) due to the Covid-19 pandemic under a military regime in NayPieTaw, the Switzerland based global media rights body ‘Press Emblem…

To A Lover

POEM     The sun will rise and set this day The sap will flow unseen to clothe the coffee bark of stark and wintry trees anew a primorous virgin green And I shall flow with morning, afternoon and twilight…

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