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Where Does All the CO2 Go?

Pressenza’s correspondent in Glasgow covering the COP26 negotiations, Rick Wayman, sends us this opinion piece on the increasingly relevant subject of Carbon Dioxide Removal. Carbon Dioxide Removal (CDR) is emerging as a significant pathway to restore the climate, with a…

The Power of Investing in Youth

Inside and outside the “Blue Zone,” where the official COP26 proceedings are taking place, young people have stepped forward to highlight the effects that climate change has had on their lives, their communities, and their vision for the future. While…

No presidential programme proposes a paradigm shift in education

With less than two weeks to go before the presidential elections in Chile, it is striking that, despite the fact that there is agreement that education requires profound change, no candidate has proposed a paradigm shift in his or her…

Spain: Lawyer Loueila Mint not granted nationality for “lack of integration”.

Loueila Mint has been practising as a lawyer in the Canary Islands and has been in Spain since she was 8 years old, and the State Attorney’s Office claims “lack of integration” in order to grant her Spanish nationality. She…

Mind The Military Emissions Gap

For the past nine days at COP26, governments have been releasing information about what they will do – or will not do, as the case may be – to meet the targets of the Paris Climate Accord. According to a…

There is still a future!

The International Network of Humanist Educators presented the book “Hay Futuro todavía. Experiences in the construction of a nonviolent humanising education in times of crisis”, a collective work that brings together twenty-eight stories with multiple voices from more than ten…

“Some clues for nonviolence”: 8-Disconnection, flight and hyper-connection (c-Hyper-Connection)

We transmit to you the study “Some clues for nonviolence” carried out by Philippe Moal, in the form of 12 chapters. The general table of contents is as follows: 1- Where are we going? 2- The difficult transition from violence…

“Nonviolent Journalism” book presented at the Open World Meeting of New Humanism 2021

And, by the way, Press people in contact with daily tragedy are today in a position to act in a humanist direction…” Silo. Letters to my friends. With this significant phrase Nelsy Lizarazo began the presentation of the book “Nonviolent…

Self-knowledge as an indispensable tool for human development

Workshop: Configuration of the Inner Centre More than five decades ago, very close to the highest mountain in the West, at the foot of Aconcagua, there in Punta de Vacas, a wise man, a teacher, a friend sent a message…

Guatemala, a country corrupt to the core

Or from the ground up As if it wasn’t enough to live with a narco-state that violates with police and army, by air, sea and land, and imposes curfews and a state of siege on the native populations who fight…

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