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State of emergency – What course do we follow?

What is the price we must pay for the recognition and respect of our human rights or for the return of our territories, the price is death, as we can see today, with the murder by the police and the…

Step up! A call for more civil courage and social responsibility

It was a cold Saturday evening in November when I was walking through my favorite food market. It seemed to be my lucky day today! When I approached the stall of my friend Antonio (name changed) where I usually get…

Love for Living Animals: White-rumped Vultures are Angels who Lift Humans to a “Sky Burial” in Heaven

ESSAY We must safeguard the web of life and care about the other living species that we share this planet with. Pygmy tarsiers eat and host bugs that we’ve seen at home — insects, spiders, lizards, bedbugs, lice, fleas, roundworms,…

Gray November

POEM   by Erlie Lopez “Gray November in My Soul” it was, that literati’s folk house in Manila dim and other-worldly with cigarette smoke dancing over heads huddled close to hear each other’s pains being drowned by guitar strings and…

A poem in the time of covid-19: To Mnemosyne

A POEM AND A BACKSTORY     Imprisoned by an unseen virus, Days went by, enclosed, barren and bereft.   When the body is shackled The mind wanders, If not to future hopes Dimmed by a closing in of the…

The Poet’s Job

POEM   The work of a poet is to look up in the sky in its unchanging morning azure and ask why its color never languished, never turned into crimson. Or into verdant maybe, because it gave all those to…

COP 26: “There is a generation that is going to turn the tables on climate change”.

From Glasgow-Scotland, where COP 26 is taking place, Pressenza’s programme Cuatro Elementos interviewed Melissa Moreano, professor and researcher at the Universidad Andina Simón Bolívar-Ecuador, member of the collective Geografía Crítica-Ecuador and the Latin American and Caribbean Platform for Climate Justice.…

COP26: Conclusions of the Intercultural Dialogue on Climate Change Delivered

The conclusions of the Intercultural Dialogue between Indigenous Peoples and Abya Yala governments on Climate Change were delivered today by the Fund for the Development of Indigenous Peoples of Latin America and the Caribbean (FILAC) and the Presidency of COP25,…

“Some clues for nonviolence”: 9 – The visceral rejection of violence

We transmit to you the study “Some clues for nonviolence” carried out by Philippe Moal, in the form of 12 chapters. The general table of contents is as follows: 1- Where are we going? 2- The difficult transition from violence…

Hassana Aalia, the long struggle of the Saharawi people

On 8 November eleven years ago, the experience of 28 days of peaceful encampment in Gdeim Izik ended with the violence of the Moroccan army. We interviewed one of the young protagonists of that experience. I met Hassana Aalia a…

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