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South Korea: 2021 DMZ Art & Peace Platform aspires for a Borderless Peace Zone

The Cultural Cooperation Team of Korea hosted a successful concurrent exhibition in five venues at the Demilitarized Zone (DMZ) areas through its first Art & Peace Platform from September 15 to November 15, 2021. Organized by the Inter-Korean Transit Office,…

Boric or Kast: transformation or regression?

This is a decisive moment. The fate of the country is at stake. While the Constituent Assembly moves forward, elections will be held to choose the next President. Gabriel Boric’s candidacy is the inevitable result of each of the events…

“We are a different, courageous alternative with new ideas and proposals”, Susana López

A good way to describe Susana Lopez is to read her facebook wall where many former students of this young teacher from Ovalle greet her and remember her. “The teacher taught me the values of honesty and nonviolence. “Aunt Susana…

Until dignity becomes culture!

More than 130 representatives of culture, arts and heritage, social organisations and trade unions met this morning in the Amphitheatre of the Fine Arts Museum, a meeting that was also attended by the spokespersons of the presidential candidate of the…

Can Chile move towards peace?

It cannot be ignored that violence has severely infiltrated relations between Chileans, seriously affecting social peace. Not only conflicts of a political nature are expressed with a high degree of radicalism, but also the phenomenon of common delinquency plagues the…

#They will not silence us

No democratic system is sustainable without real freedom of expression. Few actions arouse greater fear in political and economic circles than the exercise of critical, independent, ethical and uncompromising journalism. This is why the visceral reactions of certain governments mired…

Chile: Very positive change in the Communist Party

The statements critical of the grotesque electoral fraud carried out by Daniel Ortega in Nicaragua made by the deputies Camila Vallejo and Karol Cariola; by the mayor of Santiago, Iraci Hassler; by the presidential pre-candidate, Daniel Jadue; by the prominent…

New coup attempt against MAS in Bolivia

Monday 8 November was the anniversary of the first year of the government of Luis Arce and David Choquehuanca, and at the same time the pro-Santa Cruz civic committee led by Rómulo Calvo of the ultra-right and allied with the…

Vernor Muñoz: “Education needs, first and foremost, state funding and not charity or philanthropy”.

Present at the World Education Meeting, organised by UNESCO, which brought together education leaders from 40 states, the Director of Policy and Advocacy of the Global Campaign for Education (GCE), who is also a member of the Latin American Campaign…

The human right to a healthy, unpolluted environment

In a context of climate crisis, the United Nations Human Rights Council declared that a clean, healthy and sustainable environment is a human right. Socio-environmental assemblies and indigenous peoples in Argentina denounce extractivism as the epicentre of rights violations. The…

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