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Portrait of an Indispensable Woman: Fabiola Letelier del Solar

By Maxine Lowy Demonstrators fill the streets and a battalion of police runs after them until nabbing several and letting their clubs fall. Within this scene, common and recurrent during that summer of 2015, and many other years in Chile,…

“Some clues for nonviolence”: 11-Transformation or immobilisation?

We transmit to you the study “Some clues for nonviolence” carried out by Philippe Moal, in the form of 12 chapters. The general table of contents is as follows: 1- Where are we going? 2- The difficult transition from violence…

Seoul city hosts “2021 Seoul International Photojournalism Exhibition: New Normal Life”

PHOTOGRAPHY EXHIBIT     In this bustling city, the Metropolitan library and the city hall’s spacious buildings in Central Seoul are very citizen-friendly places, open to the general public. Often, the area hosts cultural activities, exhibits, or social meetings for…

Love for Living Animals: African Forest Elephants and People — Similar Emotions, Similar Mental Disorders, Too

ESSAY We must safeguard the web of life and care about the other living species that we share this planet with. Pygmy tarsiers eat and host bugs that we’ve seen at home — insects, spiders, lizards, bedbugs, lice, fleas, roundworms,…

A Covid Chronicle: This crazy, yet crazy-beautiful world

POEM     A grim specter has been haunting the four corners of the world. North, South, East, West, An unseen virus, like a whirlwind Has wreaked havoc on the lives of all and sundry.   Lives and livelihoods are…

Washington’s lackeys and the elections in Venezuela

Despite the fact that independent international observers have confirmed and revealed that the elections that took place in Venezuela were exemplary, the establishment insists on stigmatising the Bolivarian country through articles that seek to cast suspicion on the electoral process…

The defence of the murderers of Elías Garay

The statement of the accused: three accidental shots, the Mapuche were like a “pack of dogs”, only one of the accused fired, there was a black lump that looked like a gun and the 22 carbine “kills cats”. Today, during…

Conversation with Aida Yepes, author of “My Little Eulalia”

My mother was barely a teenager when Gaitan was assassinated on April 9, 1948. His death generated a wave of political violence throughout the country. This topic and the violence that occurred, was never discussed at home. What I do…

Community of Madrid denies treatment to HIV-positive immigrants

The facts Since mid-November we have known that doctors and NGOs are denouncing that the Community of Madrid (CAM) denies or hinders access to HIV treatment to immigrants in an irregular situation who either have just arrived in Spain (having…

To discover and learn: to govern is to connect

“To govern is to educate” was the motto of the government of Chilean President Pedro Aguirre Cerda. More than 80 years have passed and that phrase and its programmatic content have become part of our history. Children and young people…

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