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I had a dream…

A POEM AND A NOTE     by Erlie Lopez From a solitary tree, leaves started falling one by one on the ground. Then, the wind almost unfelt, blew one leaf to the south, another to the north, and another,…

A poem in the time of covid 19: A song of love and longing

A POEM AND A NOTE:     I love the way your presence comforts me The grace of your being The lightness of your touch.   I long to have you by my side In the morning light In the…

Human Fraternity and Interreligious Dialogue: Seeing God in the ‘Other’’ (cont’d) #2/4

ON INTERRELIGIOUS DIALOGUE     by Romeo Sani Ndzengi and Genevieve Balance Kupang The Call to Dialogue: The Church Response  Thank you for reading the first part of this series. In case you missed the previous article, here is the…

Chile: Quo Vadis?

Chile, the best economy in Latin America, the one that has made the most important changes in its indicators in the last 35 years, related to growth, GDP, foreign investment, opening of markets, reduction of poverty, is now thinking about…

Honduras: “A vote of punishment for those who sank the country”.

Massive vote and overwhelming victory for Xiomara Castro and the opposition coalition. Reconciliation does not mean impunity. When, on Sunday night, the electoral authorities released the first preliminary report showing the presidential candidate of the opposition alliance, Xiomara Castro, leading…

November 25: the Silence of Men

On 25 November, the International Day of Nonviolence against Women was commemorated. Progress has been made in making visible femicides and those aggressions of high social connotation, but the violence that women in Chile experience on a daily basis is…

Human fraternity and interreligious dialogue: Seeing God in the “other” #1/4

On Interreligious Dialogue by Ferdinand ‘Makoy’ Marcos and Genevieve Balance Kupang  Awakening the Self to an Awareness of the ‘Other’ and the Need for Dialogue  The Congregatio Immaculati Cordis Mariae (CICM) or Congregation of the Immaculate Heart of Mary in…

No to the “Maldesarrollo” and land development in Pampa de Ludden of Argentina

In the framework of the Open Encounter of New Humanism, called “The human being as a central value”, we reflect on “Maldesarrollo” or “Bad-Development”. The problem of land development in Pampa de Ludden in the Cordillera. By Claudia Rivero Maldesarrollo…

Declaration of CEHUM-Alétheia in the face of the second round of the presidential elections in Chile

IN VIEW OF THE RESULTS OF THE PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION AND THE SECOND ROUND, THE CENTRE FOR HUMANIST STUDIES CEHUM-ALÉTHEIA DECLARES: As a Centre for Studies, we see with concern in the programme of Candidate José Antonio Kast a civilisational step…

Nuclear arsenal and climate militarisation: An explosive mix

“…Don’t forget Of the rose of the rose Of the rose of Hiroshima The hereditary rose The radioactive rose Stupid and invalid The rose with cirrhosis The anti-atomic rose Without colour without perfume Without rose without anything”. (Vinícius de Moraes)…

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